Izzie pov:
I woke up with a pain on my stomach, I remembered what happend last night, I got up and changed shirts and I got the dried blood off my stomach then I went down stairs. Skyler wasn't awake yet because she wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. I went into the kitchen and sat at the tableReyna: good morning
Izzie: morning
I sat there staring at the tv from the table. Then Reyna passed me my foodIzzie: umm I'm not hungry
Reyna: oh you sure?
Izzie: yes
Reyna: okay I'll just give it to sky
She sat at the table with her food I got curious and I asked her a question
Izzie: Hey umm I just wanted to know how old are you? Because I don't think your 17
Reyna: umm well I'm 24.
Izzie: and how did you meet sky?
Reyna: we met online actually, she was on Tumblr and she liked a post that I made and she messaged me and we just talked allot and we found out that we live like a block away from each other So we decided to meet up and this all happend 2 years ago and we hit it off.
Izzie: interesting... Can you tell me stuff about Sky
Reyna: her favorite color is blue I think and she had a abusive father and she got rapped by her father and I think she is bisexual but whenever I ask her she always says no
Izzie: hmm
I heard Skyler walking down the steps so I just kept quietSkyler: good morning....
She seemed sad, oh great what did I do. I heard Reyna's phone buzz
Reyna; oh! Jacky asked if we wanted to go to a Christmas party tonight at 9, Apparently it's at her boyfriends house and everyone at her old school is gonna be there and maybe some from ur guy's school
Skyler: yea! That sounds fun!
Izzie: I don't know im not good with parties
Reyna: ur going!
I sighed and I went into my room. I look on the floor and saw dried blood, I quickly went on a search for my blade. I CAN'T FIND IT! I moved everything and I couldn't find it! Shit maybe sky found it. I sneakily opend Skyler's door and looked around
I opend one of her drawers and saw it I quickly grabbed it and ran back into my room. Shit what if she knows! There is still blood on It. She would probably think that im weird. She would probably kick me out, I needed a nap. I laid in my bed and tried to sleep then I finally did(Izzies dream)
I searched threw out the room trying to find my blade. I opend a drawer and saw it and I picked it up and I ran and opend the door.Sky was standing right there
Sky: what's this?
She took the blade right out of my hand and stared at it. Her face went to happy to angrySky: why the hell do you have a nife?
Izzie: uh uh ummm uh
Sky: Are you kidding me?
Izzie: ...
Sky: That's fucking stupid
Sky: your fucking weird! Who the hell cuts there self?!
My world crashed around me, I knew it no one likes me
Sky: you fucking psycho!
She pushed meI felt a tear role down my cheek
Sky: i knew you were weird from the start!
She grabbed my hair and dragged me down stairs and tossed me outsideSky: Why don't you go die in a hole weirdo! I knew you had problems ever since I saw you
Then she shut the door. I sat there crying and sobbing I looked up and I was on the England bridge I stood up and walked towards the edge and I looked down. There was nothing there. It was just s crack of space, then all of a sudden the bridge collapsed and I fell into nothingness
( End of dream )
I woke up crying and yelling
Izzie: Ah!
I looked around and I was in my room. I sighed of relief, i looked at the time and it was 1 pm. Damn I slept for 4 hours, I got up and went downstairs.
Skyler: oh hey miss sleepy!
She giggled, I did a fake smile and I walked to the couch and sat next to Skyler
Sky: hey do you want to watch a movie?
Izzie: umm sure, what movie?
Skyler: 10 cloverfeild lane
Izzie: ok I never heard of it but okay.
And for the rest of the day we watched movies, Reyna also joined which was kinda nice I guess.8:30 pm
Reyna: Ok let's start getting ready for the party, Jacky should be here any minute.
Skyler: okay, Come on let's get ready Izzie
Izzie: Kay
I started to walk upstairs with sky, we went in our separate rooms. I grabbed my skull shirt and black jeans. I went into my Makeup bag and grabbed my Eyeliner and mascara. I put that on Then I grabbed my eye brow pencil and my eye shadow. I put that on Then I grabbed my dan and Phil beenie then I went out of my room and sky was waiting for me. She was wearing a black summer dress, and a skull hair clip with a choker with some make up on. Then I accidentally said something out loudIzzie: You look beautiful
In my mind I said fuck, Her face turned bright red And so did mine
Sky: n-no no I don't
Izzie: Look at me. Cmon. I look like shit
She giggled
Sky: you look like a badass And I look like im about to go to a picknick.
Izzie: Is that a bad thing?
Reyna: come on guys! Jacky is here!
Sky: Coming! Cmon let's go
We began to walk downstairs Then we saw jacky there standing by the door. We both said hi, we all walked to jackys car then we drove off

The New Girl
Teen FictionThis is a story about a 17 year old girl named Izzie who has a abusive Step father And gets bullied at school. She lives in San Francisco And she had no friends until she met this new girl who had the same problems as her