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Ok so I know right now Lucaya and Rucas shippers at each other's throats right now and I feel like the real Corey and topanga of the second generation is auggie and Ava.

Like they start of as husband and wife just like Corey and topanga.

Ok also I hate when everyone knows the not so official ship names so why do ppl insist on making their own.

Here are the ships that I know

Rucas- Lucas and Riley
Lucaya- Lucas and Maya
Markle- Farkle and Maya
Riarkle- Farkle and Riley
Rilaya- Riley and Maya
Zayadora- Zay and Isadora
Smarkle- Farkle and Smackle
Zaya- Zay and Maya
I don't know the Farkle and Lucas ship name
I don't know the Riley and Zay ship name
I don't know the Lucas and Zay ship name
And I don't think anyone ships Farkle with Zay

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