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Jo's Pov

A while later...

             "Bye Harry, bye Gemma" I say stepping out of their car. Harry and I had become pretty good friends, I just wish we were more than that. He's so nice, funny, smart and just perfect. I can't find anything wrong with him. I walk into my house and see Blaire at the kitchen table, eating a bagel. 
"You and Harry dating yet?" She asked like she did everyday when I got home.
"Nope, not now, not ever." I say dropping my bag and walking to my room. "But you guys would be so cute!" she yelled after I shut my door.

    I lay on my bed, thinking about him and how cute we would actually be. Everyday at lunch, we would get a couple of our mutual friends and go to our friend, Miles' house. That day, I was sitting on the couch eating a sandwich and I couldn't help myself but to look at Harry who was sitting on the couch across from me, while I looked up, we locked eyes and he suddenly turned away. We've been doing that a lot recently. Does it mean he has feelings for me??
I don't think so, but it's not impossible, we are so close.

It was the end of exam week, I had just gotten out of my last exam of the semester, science. I headed to my locker to get a few things before I went home. I entered my combo and opened my locker, the lighting was all around dim, weird. I opened my locker to see a stunning red rose next to a white envelope with my name beautifully written on the front in cursive. I opened it and read it slowly and carefully. It read
'Dear Jo, I know exams have been tough, but it's about to get a little tougher, go to locker 237 and find the next clue. The combo 27-13-8. ~H' . "H?"  I asked myself quietly. Who could that be? No, it can't be Harry, he doesn't like me. I walked as fast as I could up the stairs. I re-read the letter over and over again to make sure I knew whose writing this is, it looks oddly like Harry's, since he's the only person I know who writes in cursive. I look down and see locker 237. I enter the combo for this locker, it's my friends locker, this is Tilly's locker. I mean, how else would they get a locker, they can't just take somebody else's. I enter her combo and see yet another red rose with another envelope.
'Dear Jo, I'm sorry for not telling you earlier about how I feel for you. Maybe we could have started this sooner, next, go to the elevator. ~H' 
Seriously, who is this 'H'? I open the elevator doors and on the ground, a box of chocolate covered strawberries, and another note.
'Dear Jo, I'm sending you back to the area of the school where our lockers are, this is where you will meet me. ~H'
When the doors of the elevator open, there is a trail of small candles and rose petals leading down the hall towards my locker, just like the letter said. I slowly walk down the hall in the trail and I noticed I started walking faster. At the end, the trail just ends. I'm so confused. That is, until the door to my left opens and Harry steps out from the room carrying 10 red roses in his hand, to complete the dozen because I have two. I gasp as he gets down on one knee and opens a black velvet box. Inside is a ring with diamonds arranged to look like a flower on top, it's beautiful. "Jo, I know I've only known you for a little while, but I have fallen for you. Will you be my girlfriend?" I said yes and he slid the ring on my finger as I jump into his arms.

"Jo! Wake up!" Blaire yells in my ear. "Hurry up, dinners going to get cold" she huffs and walks out of my room. I guess I had fallen asleep, that's not the first dream of Harry that I had. But they all end up the same way, with us being a couple. I shake it off and join my family for dinner.

After dinner, I go to my room and open snapchat, I watch Miles' story. Guess who's on it, it's Harry, and some girl that goes to our school named Lexi. They're getting all cuddly on some couch. Ugh why can't that be me.

The next day at school, me and Harry do the usual and go to Miles' at lunch. Today, Harry put on a shirt that made him look like a backstreet boy.
"Harry" I said looking him up and down."What?" He asked turning dramatically towards me "You kinda look like a backstreet boy" He checks himself in the mirror. "Yea I guess I do haha" I lay on my stomach and rest my head all cute on my hand and say while batting my eyelashes. "Sing a song for me"
"You are, my fire. The one desire"
He sings looking me right in my eyes and combs his fingers through his curly hair as he sings the word desire. But him looking me right in the eyes when he sang when there are like 10 other people in the room cheering for him makes my heart leap out of my chest.

I get a text from some number that I didn't recognize later that night that read,
'You better leave Harry alone, he's mine, we were meant to be together.'
I was shocked, I mean I know all the girls like him, I hear them talking about him all the time in the halls on my way to the car. But I never knew it was this serious.

I texted Harry telling him what had just happened. He didn't reply, which was weird, he always replied to me in a couple of seconds. What's going on?


Ooohhhh what's going on.
I'm sorry for totally misleading you with that little dream thing but I felt like I should have put it in, it was one of the best parts of this chapter lol.
Well thanks for reading, love you and hope you enjoy the next chapters.

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