Phil had to made sure the neighbourhood was clear before having Dan walk out there. He swears he saw Mr. Howell out somewhere, but he didn't mention it to Dan so he doesn't freak out again.
You put his suitcase into the trunk of the Impala owned by Miss Lester. Shutting the trunk lid, you lean against the car and massage your temples. God, you repeated in your head.
Phil walks up to you and leans against the car beside you."How is he?" You ask.
"He's saying goodbye to mum. She has to know."
"She can keep it to herself."
"Definitely," Phil agrees. "Is it clear?"
You sigh, getting off of the car and search around. You couldn't find a single soul, "crystal."
Phil comes off the car and back into the house. Your heart is pounding and your head became light as you walked to the drivers seat of the car. Opening the door, you step in and sit down, starting up the car and strapping the seatbelt. You close the car door and lean your forehead against the steering wheel and breathe in.
It's going to be okay, you think to yourself.You hear the car door of the passenger seat open and your head quickly hits up. You see Dan sit down and shut the door. He was wearing a red jumper with a beanie you've never seen before. Suddenly, your window was being knocked on and you see Phil, asking for you to open the window. You do so and he leans over; his crossed arms rested against the crease of where the window comes from. He smiled at Dan, "hey."
"Hey," he replied back, smiling back. "I'm going to miss you."
Phil nods, "I'll miss you, too." Dan bites his lip as he looks back down at his lap. Phil turns to you, "bring the car back when you're done." He then holds a credit card out towards you. "Pay for his ticket."
"Phil," Dan calls, overhearing. He rolls his eyes and shakes the card at you.
"Take it, Y/N."
You do as told and put the given card in your pocket. Phil taps the car and sits up, away from the vehicle. You roll up the window and quickly drive out of the driveway and into the streets. Your boyfriend's breath was shaky as you drove calmly. He took off his beanie and slouched in his seat. His hands rush through his hair as he sighs.
You two were silent between each other. No one spoke.
Five minutes passed and Daniel finally speaks.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be." Silence. "Please? Don't be sorry, it's not your fault."
"It's just that-"
"He could've found you. He could be in the wrong state of mind right now," you shrug. "It's not you to blame. There's nothing to blame you for."
"I didn't do this because I hate you."
"You did it because you love us."
Silence. The only noise was the motor and cars outside.
"I love you, Y/N. So much."
"I love you too, Dan."
"Promise me you'll go to college."
"I promise."
"Promise me you'll be happy."
You gulp, "I promise."
"Promise me you'll find someone else."
"Promise. Promise me!"
You slightly shake your head, still concentrating on the road, "I can't do that."
"Promise me you'll have a wedding and kids."
You don't say anything.
"Promise me, Y/N."
You take a breath, "can I invite you to the wedding?"
"You can invite whoever you desire." He stared into your cheek as you stopped at a red light. "Please. Promise me you'll move on and be happy."
You wipe your eyes before a tear spills out. Dan doesn't wipe his red ones.
"Dan, you know-"
"Promise me you'll still be happy while I'm gone, damnit!"
His shouting made you jump."I promise."
"Thank you."
You nod slightly, starting to drive again.
You guys took the long way to the airport. Dan directed the roads to take, even though you thought the same thing.
There was traffic, and it made Dan smile only a little bit.
He didn't care that the ride was quiet. He talked about what he wanted, already.
He wants you to be happy. He wants you to continue life. He wants you to live properly without him.You only wanted the same for him. And he's not going to promise you anything. Because he cares way too much about you.
After 54 minutes and 15 seconds, he asks you to pull over. Not even ask, he commanded.
"Jesus Christ, Y/N! Pull over!" He said.
You were on a street that was unfamiliar to you. But, now, it's become your favorite street.You questioned the boy why he had you pull over and he jumped on you. He literally jumped on you. His seatbelt was unbuckled and he prounced onto you with kisses.
He reached for the stick of the car and put it in park as his lips wandered yours, sloppily.This kiss had to last you.
It had to take you home.
It had to last you your life.
This moment was one for the road.Dan reached for the lever against the seat you sat in and lowered the chair. On you two went with this last moment.
His hands felt you up and down, attempting to unbutton your jeans. He succeeded and you didn't scowl him for it.You two needed to remember this moment for the day you wake up scared in the middle of the night. The feeling of each other's soft hands and beautiful hair in each other's fingers.