Chapter Seventeen

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It took three weeks, but, I started to move in. Mineu's place is old and really creepy when you think about it for a little while. The house is so poorly lit and the paintings on the walls, well, let's just say that they don't precisely brighten up the mood.

My Aliens seem to be fine living here. I mean, they sleep in my room and also stay very close to me at all times. I feel like Orbit and Buddy just don't trust Mineu. I mean, my Aunt and her stopped talking years ago, maybe there was a reason that she never told me.

It also gave me an excuse to have Dave out of my life for a little bit. I'm still trying to grasp what is going on with me. Another question I'm asking is, am I human? Or have I considered a robot now? Of course, I don't know the answers to those questions, but my brain still tends to ask them. Just in case I get the answer and decide not to inform it first. I'd really just like to be normal again. I put down the final box in my room that says 'bathroom stuff.

I look around the room for the first time in a while. There are no light switches, along with no windows. I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Almost in every room, there are no windows or light switches. I want to ask why there aren't any Windows, but, by the time I reach Mineu, I always assume it's because the Aliens get up in the windows and mess up the glass or something. So, I haven't really been able to ask. But, the good thing is, the Aliens and I are safe. That's all that matters to me at this point.

I look down at the floor to see a tan carpet. I'm surprised that Mineu has a rug, if an Alien gets saliva on the carpet, it'll ruin it. I wonder why she put them down. Maybe to experiment what happens when my Alien's spit touches the mat. I sigh as I get on my knees and start opening the box that says 'room decor.'

I spent four hours unpacking all the stuff in my room. Now, I just need to find a place for all of it. I look at the things on my floor and sigh. This is going to take a while. I think as I do I hear a soft knock on the door, and then the door opening hitting all my junk.

"Oh! I see you're still unpacking!" Mineu says as I move my stuff out of the way and help her open the door. She looks at me and smiles. I don't know what she expected, I literally just got back here a couple hours with like fifteen boxes.

"Yeah, sorry about all the stuff," I say rubbing the back of my neck nervously. My black hair is in a messy bun, and all over the place, my eyes have black bags under them, and my fingernails are needing a trimming. Mineu comes into my room thoroughly and looks around my room. There are lamps on the floor, art books with crayons, clothes, clothes, and even more clothes along with shoes.

"It's fine. It'll take you a little while to get moved in. You have a master bathroom to the right, and a master closet to your left." Mineu says as if it was nothing. I nod and pick up some of my pajamas and put them in my white drawer. My room is painted white, and my bedroom set is black. Perfect colors, they match and go together. I like that she's trying to be nice but, I would rather her leave me alone while I unpack.

"I like how you want to help, but, I think that I got this. I can do it by myself. I just want to be alone right now. But, thanks for offering to help." I tell Mineu as she looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"You're a boring roommate so far. I hope you get more fun." Mineu says as she walks out of my room and then shuts the door annoyed. I feel sorry for being boring, but I just want to be alone. I like my alone time. That's why I moved away from my parents. Because I wanted to be alone. I sigh as I took more clothes out of my bag and started to hang them up in my closet. My closet is a walk-in closet that can hold more clothes than I own. I notice that most of my clothes are black with nothing on it. I also have a lot of black jeans, but that's also my school's fault because at school we had a strict dress code. Maybe I should buy happier clothes. I think to myself as I start to unpack more of my clothes.

As I took eight more shirts and hung them up, I heard a loud thump go onto my floor. I turn around quickly. I hope that it's one of my Aliens and not Mineu's. Hers seems to be mean and aggressive. Even with her around. I wonder what it would do without her around me to stop it from killing me.

I look to where I heard the sound and see nothing. I guess maybe one of my things fell. I think to myself as I turn back around and start hanging my clothes again.

Once I turn around, I hear footsteps behind me. I stop moving and drop my clothes to the floor. If an Alien is in here, that means it has to be Mineu's Alien because I can't see it. I don't know what to do, what if it attacks me? I turn around slowly and then look around. There seems to be no one here. But the footsteps, the thud, they have to connect to someone or something is in here.

"H-h-hello?" I say nervously as I don't know who's in here. For all I know, it could be my imagination driving me insane. As I said that, nothing happened. I sigh. I must be going crazy. I think to myself as I continue to unpack.

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