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It's their third date, and it's Movie Night at Zayn's apartment which he  share with his best friend Harry, Harry isn't here tonight so he can  give Zayn and Liam the privacy they needed for their date.

Zayn had to beg Harry to have the apartment for himself and convinced  him by doing the green eyes guy laundry for a month. He didn't leave the  apartment when Louis ( Harry's Boyfriend ) would come to see Harry, he  didn't give them their privacy, but Tonight Zayn really needs the place  for him and Liam.


It's sunset, when Liam knock on the door...when Zayn come rushing to the  door, he open it, to be welcomed by Liam holding flowers hiding his  face behind them. " Hi Moonlight" Liam greet with a smile after  revealing his face, giving the roses to Zayn, Zayn took them and smell  them, " Hii baby " he replied with a red-cheeks as red as the roses. "  Come in " he continued.

They were sitting on the comfortable couch in front of the massive TV  screen. Watching...., well non of them is interested in the movie. They  are in a heated session of making out, Zayn is practically in Liam's  lap, his nose in Liam neck, kissing and biting. Every now and then one  of them takes control, attacking the other one with kisses and neck  bites that's definitely leaving a mark. And each took time moaning,.  Until finally Zayn pulled away to breathe properly.

Zayn have had a crush on Liam since forever and he can't believe that he  was just making out with him on their third date, he really wants them  to be official. He wants Liam to be his. And he wants him to stay the  way he is. Even tho Zayn is gonna like him and be with him no matter  what Liam might changed.

" Do you want anything, Snacks, drinks, Popcorn?!" Zayn asks as he got up from the couch and Liam's lap.

Liam pull him down on his lap and start kissing him roughly, " I just  want you " He finally reply. Zayn blushes and hide his face in Liam's  neck. To hide his blush probably.

" No really, I went out and got us all kind of snacks and drinks, I even  made Harry make us some popcorn " Zayn's says with a pout. Liam just  look at Zayn's eyes and Zayn looked back at the brown eyes, and they  stayed like that for few seconds, The raven hair boy admiring Liam's  features, his pink lips, his poppy eyes, and ... His thoughts got cut  when Liam leans into him and lay him on the couch, until Zayn back was  on the couch and Liam was in between Zayn's legs, so Zayn wrap his legs  around Liam waist.

Liam continued leaning down, until he's inches from The model faced  boy's lips. He whispers, " You look so beautiful " . Zayn's heart  skipped a beat. He looked at Liam's eyes and saw how dark they are  becoming.

Are they gonna have sex ?! Zayn thinks.
Zayn is really ready for this, he wants this.
But again, it's only their third date. They shouldn't take it that fast.
Being fast have never been good, so why the rush ?!

Zayn didn't say anything, Liam kissed him. And said " Zayn I never knew  that I could feel this happy until I met you and held you in my arms " .  Zayn's eyes went wide. And he start kissing Liam, he can't believe Liam  said those words, He makes Liam happy ?!
Liam makes him happy. He never knew that he do that. Or is doing that.  Now he's sure that he's ready to take it all the way tonight.

" You make me happy too Li " Zayn said between breathe, smiling shyly,  while putting his arms around Liam's neck. Liam kissed him and pulled  away from Zayn , " Now what about them drinks " he says.

Zayn was quick to untangle himself from Liam and get off the couch to  bring his 'Moonlight' a drink, " Right away Daddy " Zayn says with a  mocking voice. He felt a tap on his lower back when he got up from the  couch. He turn around to see a smirking Liam.


Liam didn't spend the night with Zayn, they just continued to ignore the  movie and took interest in each other faces. They danced a little, Zayn  didn't want the evening to end. Liam canceled his plans to be with  Zayn. He was everything zayn dreamt of.

They were standing at the door of the apartment, still holding each  other in a hug. Liam holding Zayn tight, it seems that he doesn't want  to let go. He kissed Zayn forehead and let go.

" Good night moonlight " Zayn said. And then Liam left. 


Thank you for being here and reading :)

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