I walked into his 'home' which honey is a mansion not a house home whatever its a freaking castle. It was dark so I probably was just seeing the outline but whatever its still the biggest home I've been in. " Follow me miss," a strange guy in a suite probably a butler said politely to me. I followed the guy into a box shaped room smaller than my room I ran away from but the bed was luxurious. I jumped into the bed and fell instantly to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I woke up to a loud ringing of a bell. I looked at the clock next to my bed. Ugh it's only frickin 5 in the morning. A young maid whom looked around my age spoke to me saying," good morning Mariana you are the new personal maid for mister Stuart yes?" " Yes I am," I confirmed her question. "Ok you are in the wrong place, can I call you Mari?" " Sure, strangely I have a good feeling we'll be good friends" I grinned up at her.
She grinned back and said, " Well Miss Mari follow me to your room." " I am 17 and I've worked here for a year I've gotten lost like 200 times in this stupid place. I was frickin kidnapped but I mean this job pays well anyways."" So they needed new young maids they most likely found you online." " Oke that's not at all creepy," I said totally creeped out.
" Ok I guess I'll change thanks for all the information." The red light goes off press the green button that's how your 'master' calls you when needed." " Oh my 'master" I said in a sneezy voice.
"Yah well I've go nowhere to go so I'll be here till I'm 21 apparently." " Yah ok here we are your room next to mister Stuart's room as he requested of me." " Ima just tell you now that you were kidnapped cause the maids are getting close to 21." " I guess thanks for that piece of info I guess", I said confused as to why she would tell me that. " Bye see you around Mari." She walked away at a quick pace. "Bye", I say as I enter the room.
My uniform was a slick black dress with a apron. I slipped the dress one which was fitted. How the heck did they know my size of clothing? The red button lit up with a buzz. I pressed down the green button and said, "this is Mariana speaking." " Mariana come down to the common room", said a hard demanding voice I didn't recognize. " Yes, sir." I hurried out of the room. I ran into a hard chest and then I heard the crash of glass. "Oh I'm so sorry",I said as I bent down and started picking up the broken pieces of glass.
"No, no stop you'll cut yourself.", Paying no heed to the masculine voice. I finished picking up the glass pieces. "There", I said as I looked up to be meeted by light blue eyes and tossed blonde hair. He was looking at me with concern. I grinned up at him saying, " well looks like I didn't cut myself after all. "Yeah I'm glad you're ok and don't worry this happens all the time. Expect the part where a beautiful girl runs into me. I'm Evan the chef's assistant I'm 18. And I am getting the pleasure of meeting?"
"I'm Mariana, I'm 16 I'm the new maid. Huh I thought everyone knew the new people always." " Yeah I don't gossip as much as the other workers here.," He replied honestly. "Oh, ok cool anywho do you happen to know where the common room is?" " Yeah sure follow me." I followed him to the common room and we parted i went into the room and he probably went the direction of the kitchen. " You're late Mariana,"a stern voice reprimanded me. " I'm sorry sir but I don't know my way around here."
" Susanna was suppose to show you around when she brought you to the room stupid maid always forgets something in her orders," " Well I'm sure she didn't mean to sir." "Do not speak unless spoken to Mariana," he said in his raspy voice. " I am Master Stuart and that is what you will call me. You will also answer to my son as he wishes." " Yes sir," I answered him. "Alright my son has decided that his 18th birthday party will be huge and his PA and you will help with it."
" Go find Kendra the head of the maids for your orders. This wrist band will light up green when I need you and blue when my son needs you. My son will mostly only need you I won't call that much and when I do I expect full respect," He finished. " Yes sir I replied. I left the room hoping to see someone in the hallway. "Susanna," I called out as she walked by me. "Oh, hey Mari need something?" "Uh, yah do you know where I can find Kendra?" " Sure due, follow me she instructed." I followed her through many hallways. There was allot of artwork in each hall. They were all clean probably dusted every day.
"Here we are," Susanna said gesturing to a room with the sign head lady above the door. "Thank-you Susanna." I said quickly before knocking on the door. "Come in," a high-pitched voice barked out to me. "Ah Mariana Serena Johnson nice of you to finally show up. Today you may stay in your room until or unless you bracelet shines." "Okey-dokey" I say and leave. I thankfully have a good sense if direction and memory of places. So I make it back to my room only to witness the billionaire's son in a heated make out session. "Disgusting," I whispered under my breath.
They didn't even notice me as I walked into my room and shut the door. I walked into the bathroom to see a white bag with blue roses on it. Inside it had 'dumped' in the bag most of my stuff from my apartment all except my clothing. My bracelet suddenly flashed blue. I pressed the little white button on the bottom of my bracelet and said, " this is Mariana." " Mariana," a husky voice said through the bracelet please come into my room." "Yes sir," I said trying my best not to sound agitated. Ugh that girl better not be on there when I'm in there ew this is disgusting. As I walked into the room. The girl he had been making out with practically ran over me as she exited the room.
She looked at me with disgust which girl I don't know why you would look at me like that cause I wasn't the one with my hands all over him. I liked back at her giving her my best innocent face. I walked into the room and put up my bracelet saying ,"you flashed" " Yes," I need a glass of water. Seriously he flashed me for that what the heck ugh so annoying. Damn it now I have to find the damned kitchen. I looked back at him and couldn't help but to notice his top buttons were undone and he had lipstick on his face. That's not disturbing at all.

Billionaire Secret Baby
RomanceMariana Sierra Johnson runs away from an abusive home at the age of 16 only to be kidnapped and put to work as a maid for billionaire's. Seeing that this could have been worse she sticks with it for the money. They release Mariana when she is 17 fro...