Episode 1 - La'mour, Carnival Style

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(At an experimental facility, somewhere far, far away from the Cross Academy, in a snowy place. Researchers are doing their usual things. Suddenly, there is alarm. Securities are moving about. There is a girl that is coming through killing any person in her way. She came in front of a large container of green fluid with a shadowy figure in it.)

Girl: You’re going to help me in my revenge against that Kazuomi girl and all of Cross Academy.

(At Cross Academy, Zero is feeling all better now and is up and walking about. He saw that Silvia isn’t in the house. Zero went out front. Then he saw a Frisbee launched into the air followed by a blue fireball; trying to take down the Frisbee but missed. Zero went to where those two came from. In an open field, Zero saw Toga launched another Frisbee from a Frisbee launcher while Silvia is trying to take it down with the blue fireball from her Natural Sword…to no such luck.)

Zero: Seems like you need practice, Silvia.

Silvia: Daddy decided to give me target practice. But so far (in a sad posture with hands and head down) I haven’t landed a single hit.

Toga: Zero, why won’t you show her.

(Silvia raises her head back up and steps back. Zero came to the spot where Silvia was standing. Toga launches another Frisbee. Zero, immediately, shot it down with his Bloody Rose.)

Silvia: Wow…

(Just then, Silvia got glomped by Martyana who was hiding in the bushes.)

Martyana: (while in mid-air) Silvia!!

(They landed on the ground.)

Silvia: Martyana!

Martyana: Please, call me Marty.

Silvia: Why are you here?

Martyana: Just wanted to say “hi”

(Martyana made a face like this: ^_^)

Zero: Hey, Martyana. Don’t you have work to do?

Martyana: Oh yea.

(Martyana ran off.)

Toga: Back to training, Silvia.

Silvia: Right.

(Silvia moved back into the spot where she last stands. Zero stands by; watching. Toga launches another Frisbee. Again, Silvia misses it with her blue fireball attack.)

Zero: Maybe this will help. But first, put away your sword, Silvia. (Silvia did what Zero says. Zero came VERY close behind Silvia. So close that Zero’s front is touch Silvia’s back. Silvia blushes. Zero lets Silvia hold his Bloody Rose, using his hands as guidance for her hands.) The trick is, shoot it down 2 seconds after its launch. (Silvia stops blushing and nods.) Whenever you’re ready, Master. (Toga launches another Frisbee. Zero directs Silvia’s hands and, successfully, shot down the Frisbee. Silvia has a big smile on. Zero lowered Silvia’s hands a bit.) Do you get it now?

Silvia: I think so.

Zero: Good. (Zero let go of Silvia) Keep practicing with that. I’ll stay here.

(Toga launch another Frisbee. This time, Silvia was able to make a direct hit at the Frisbee with Zero’s Bloody Rose.)

Silvia: I did it. I really did it!

Toga: Once more! (Toga launches another one. Silvia made another direct hit to that. Silvia began being all jumpy about it. Toga kicks it up a notch by launching two Frisbees. Silvia shot those down with ease.) Now let’s move on to your blue fireball attack.

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