derricka- I meen i had a good tyme with you
roc- ohh i can tell
derricka- how
roc- ik when my girl is having a good time
derricka- yhur giirl
roc- i meen
derricka- ~laughs~
roc- im srry im meant ik when
derricka- roc its okayy...
roc- Noooooo..... Its
derricka- ~interupts roc n kisses hym~
roc- ~kisses her baqq~
derricka- srry bout dhat i just had tew
roc- ik dnt explain yhur slef just do it again
derricka- why wont you do it....
roc- i like you Derricka... Your Soo
derricka- ~interupts roc AGAIN n kisses hym~
roc- ~kisses baqq~
~they r kissing for a long while for bout 4-5 mins~
~derricka n roc are in the car on there way tew drop derrricka off n they r just tlkin bout what happened~
derricka- sooo...... BoyFren !
roc- BOYFREN !
derricka- ~laughs~ Boyfren !
roc- ~trynna play it cool~ yheaa
derricka- ~laughs~ yhur funny........ Yhur not my boyfren thou
roc- Ohh....................... why yhu call me that dhen
derricka- bcuss i wnted tew c what yhu was gnee say
roc- well.......
derricka- dnt feel down !
roc- Ohh Im Not
derrricka- Roc
roc- im not im......
derricka- Roc you can be my BoyFren if yhu want.....
roc- Yheaaaaaaa...
derricka- ask mee then !
roc- ask yhu wat
derricka- ask me out silly
roc- i dnt need tew i alreaddy no yhur answer
derricka- you do...
roc- yheaaa..
derricka- whats my answer dhen
roc- Yheaa of course
derricka- Well if yhu put it like dhat then my answer is No
roc- ohh..
derricka- c dhatz why i tld yhu tew ask mee first
~they pull up at derricka house~
derricka- thnkzz for the fun tewday i really enjoyed being with you !
roc- yheaaaaaaaaaaa yhur welcum ill c yhu
derricka- tewmorrow
roc- tewmorrowm ?!
derricka- Yheaa I Wanna C My BoyFren Everyday.... !
roc- BOYFREN !
derricka- ~laughs~ Yheaa...... ~Kisses roc n gets out dha car~ Bye Baiby !
roc- BYEE..!
roc pov- Whoa OMG i really like dhat giirl... shes just so amazing ! she even called me baiiby n she kissed mee...! WHOA !

Everyday Life With Mindless Behavior
FanfictionMindless behavior And 4 Baddest Org... Girls Alive !