Chapter Fifteen-By The Name

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"Alright guys, business time!" Margo sat up, and rubbed sleep from her eyes. She must've fallen asleep after she had showered, for the second time in the span of 12 hours, and changed. She came back into Harry's room with Ginny to tell him of their dream with the Angel, which he could make no sense of. She had to have fallen asleep again after that.

Margo finished rubbing her eyes, and dropped her hands back down. "Who are you?" The girl had to be 16 or 17, with long teal hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed in a while, or maybe that was just the curls. Her eyes matched her hair almost exactly, and despite the early hour of the day, she looked energized and excited.

"Sapphire Rose Lupin. Pleasure to meet you!" She stuck out a heavily freckled hand, and Margo took it after practically rolling off of the bed.

"I'm Margo." She dropped her hand and looked at Sapphire Rose awkwardly. Despite sharing only saying fifteen words between them, she already felt like she knew what kind of person Sapphire Rose was. The kind that could fill up a room with bouncy happiness by only walking in.

"You dated Derek Malfoy, right?" Margo said, in an attempt to link the girl to someone.

"Woah, that's the first time I've ever been identified by someone for that particular scar on my history."

"What're you usually identified by people for?"

She put a finger to her chin. "Let's see, mischief making, metamorphigusing in the middle of class to annoy the teachers, the ability to make a great raspberry pie, being in league with the Weasley twins. That's about it. Oh, and my dad. Marauder Legacy and all." She stopped and frowned. "Where's our little Golden Duo?"

"Harry and Ginny? I'm pretty sure calling them 'Golden Duo' is a sure-fire way to get them on your bad side."

Sapphire Rose waved her off. "They can't get rid of me. I'm a permanent entity. Now, where are those sodding idiots?"


They eventually found them, in the backyard with the wooden training dummies set up in an almost meticulous row.

"Whaaat are you doing?" Sapphire Rose looked stunned, and was treating the stunned emotion like it was the first time anything had ever surprised her.

"We're trying to practice wand less magic." Ginny looked annoyed, and she tossed her ponytail to the side.

"But isn't that exactly what your got in trouble for in the first place?" Margo was very close to losing control and slapping the Bonded pair.

"No, that was without using the Bond. This is."

"And what's the difference?" Margo and Sapphire Rose spoke almost at the same time, but with Sapphire Rose talking behind her by a syllable, so it sounded like a badly recorded band.

"The difference is that they can't track the Bond. Haven't figured out how to do it since they haven't seen a Bonded pair for centuries."

"And how exactly did you find this out?"

"From some of my mum's books that were in that panic room that she showed you and Ginny." Harry said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Can you do it?"


"'Weeeeeeelllllll' what?" Margo threw her hands in the air in exasperation.

"Yes and no." Ginny gave an expression that said 'please pity me because Im trying the best I can.'

"Yes and no are completely different things. Either its a yes or its a no. Do not pick two, do not collect your $200, do not pass go." Everyone looked at Margo.

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"$200, do not.." Ginny broke off with a confused shake of her head. "Anyway, in that case it would be kinda. Or sorta. Or maybe. Whichever one suits your fancy."

"Show us then. Dazzle me." Margo sat down in the grass, and leaned back, resting on her elbows. It was a nice day out, and the sun filtered through the trees, casting odd patterns onto the grass and anything below the canopy of leaves.

Harry and Ginny looked at each other and nodded. Ginny closed her eyes, and screwed up her face, while Harry looked at the target dummy and blew out a long breath.

Ginny waved her hand, and one of the dummies rocked backwards and fell, while Harry's simply exploded into pieces with a pop of gold light.

"Well, I've seen some things in my day, trust me, Im best friends with Fred Weasley and Im also dating the other twin, but I have never seen that." Sapphire Rose went through several wild hand gestures before dropping them back at her sides with an excited expression. "But, I do love blowing things up."

"That was pretty good. Harry, yours was terrifying. If you did that to a real person..." Margo trailed off, and popped her hands open while making the noise of an explosion. "With blood everywhere."

"That was, twisted." Sapphire Rose looked both fascinated and terrified.

"Well, I'm kind of twisted, you're kind of twisted, were all kind of twisted." They all collectively nodded, and Ginny moved forward to set the training dummy back up.

"I'll get it." Margo started to get up, when the training dummy launched itself back onto the pegs, perfectly erect waiting for someone to attack it.

"Yeah, last night with the door was definitely not the wind and a trick of the light."

"Guardian thing, maybe?" Ginny tried her best to stab at the answer, her mind hacking away at what she'd seen in the last 24 hours.

"The bloody hell is a Guardian?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot she's new. A Guardian is someone put on Earth by the Angels and the Celestial Ones to protect the Bonded."

"The bloody hell are the Celestial Ones?!" Sapphire Rose threw her freckled arms up in exasperation, and groaned to the sky.

"They created the Bonded are we done now!?" Ginny threw her arms up.

"As long as you don't say anything that makes me want to smack a person for not including me on this information than we're cool!" Ginny and Sapphire Rose argued in the way that sisters would, with idle annoyance let love in their words.

"Now, Margo," Ginny said, and grabbed Margos shoulders guiding her in front of the dummy that had just been set back up. "Try to knock this thing over with your Guardian Powers." She stopped before adding, "if that's what this is."

"What else would it be, Ginny?"

"Wind and a trick of the light." She said, before plopping down cross-legged in the grass.

Margo rolled her eyes, and turned to face the dummy. Whoever had made it(most likely Lily) had painted it with a face, like a child's drawing. It had a crooked mouth of white paint, with blue paint for the eyes, which Margo noted were the same colour as Harry's bedroom walls.

"Give it a go, Mar." She took a deep breath, and rolled up the sleeves of her shirt. She looked at the terribly drawn face of the dummy and thought. Fall over.

Nothing happened, the dummy didn't even lean in any direction.

"Okay, great first attempt-."

"No, it was rubbish, don't even try Sapphire Rose." Sapphire Rose nodded gravely, and went back to staring at the ground.

"Maybe if you.." Ginny started, and trailed off.

"No, I got it, let me try." She repeated the process, and this time the dummy did fall over. Margo practically did a gymnastics routine, jumping up and down while spinning in a little circle, clapping her hands in celebration.

And it was a sort of victory, indeed. Ginny had given her a scratched look of approval, and clapped her hands, while Harry flashed a thumbs up, and Sapphire Rose whitened either in astonishment or a sort of fear, Margo didn't know.

"How come being a Guardian gives you sodding telekinesis powers? I mean, the Bond crap is one thing, but the Guardian? Why do they get this whole in your face destructive blast of awesome?" Sapphire Rose said, and took a deep breath.

"Honestly, I don't know, but I don't understand why I would have the powers. It's not like weird telekinesis would be useful. I mean, what am I supposed to do if one of you gets attacked, think 'fall over' and hope the bad guy falls over? What do we do then?"

"That's a good question, Margo, I didn't think about it like that."

"It's almost like the people that created the powers us three have are laughing at us from Heaven."

"They probably are." Ginny said somberly. "Do you think we could go inside to get some lunch? I'm starving."

Sapphire Rose nodded mutely in agreement and stood up to follow Ginny to the house. Margo hung back and waited for Harry to push off of the tree he was leaning on and follow them inside.

But, it left her alone with her thoughts to long, and if her father could see her now, he'd carry on about how useless she was, even when she was supposed to be essential in the protecting the two idiots.

He had always thought I'd been useless, and if he had ever found me useful it was for nefarious means, and he rarely even voiced it then.

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