Oh, how times have changed.

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Wow I just remembered something really stupid.

When a friend first sent me the link for Crazy=Genius (this was like February or March or something. So not long ago), I remember blushing like crazy every time it said the words 'fucking arsonist'. I felt so uneasy (and potentially scandalous) just hearing the 'F word'. Oh and I had no clue who breadbin urine the walking forehead man singing it was.

Now look at me. I swear like a trucker and may or may not be an insane fangirl.  You see I laugh and make jokes about it but I'm simultaneously really concerned because all my friends hate me for it, and they're (especially this little blonde one) constantly trying to "exorcise" me and make me go to "therapy" aka a time where they take the opportunity to throw insults at my sad little self. But its really not like I care because starting next year I never have to talk to them ever again if I don't want to so ha.

I didn't mean to rant for like ever but hey that's what I did cool cool.

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