The clock show 6:30 in the evening and there were five friend name is Pixle, Yoonji, Eunmi, Rika, and Krista who are inside a classroom waiting for their teacher about 2 hour to come since they forget to meet the teacher yesterday for the unknown reason.
"Man, its getting really late already and when is the teacher going to come." Pixle who is sitting in one of the chair beside Yoonji spoke out while lazily watching both Eunmi and Rika that were busy prankking and annoying Krista about her eyebrow.
'This is gonna get really annoying anytime soon' Pixle say looking at them grabbing Krista pencil case out of her bag and throwing is around and almost drop it off the window.
"Pixle please help me!!"Krista shout running toward Pixle holding both her shoulder shaking her like a mad man.
"Oi! you better not touch my precious friend over here" Yoonji say while hugging Pixle really tightly not letting he go by any second.
"Yoonji stop it you're suffocating me!!" Pixle shouting struggling to get out of her friend iron grip while Eunmi and Rika just laugh at them. "And both of you better shut up and don't just stand there help me!" and they help her out at the end.
After helping Pixle out of Yoonji death hug, all of them sit back at the seat felling verry tired and bored then suddenly a random growling sound come out of nowhere..
apparently it was just Eunmi and Rika stomach that were growling...
"Ahahahaha!!" All of us can do just laugh while Eunmi and Rika over there is sitting quietly, head hunging down and face turn red like a tomato cause of embarrassment.
"Wait! I have some candy with me.." Krista say and taking out 3 candy out of her pocket and giving them." Okay one for me, one for Yoonji, and one for Pixle.."
"What about us?!?" Rika and Eunmi say while pointing at themself for not getting any candy.
"This is a punishment for annoying me all the day :D" Krista smile at them making a innocent face. "FINE!" they both spoke out disappointed for what they had done.
"Huh! what that over there?" Yoonji ask Pixle while pointing at some kind of weird looking particle that looks a bit black purpleish (i dunno).
Without wasting any time Pixle quickly stand up and give a signal to their friend to be quiet and froze at their seat.Then suddenly both the front and the back door of the class close with a loud crash sound and out of nowhere the particle before were not to far from them glowing more darker and bam! it change to some kind of door or more should i say a dimension to a land of evilnesss..
All of them started to panic!
"Oh no! what should we do we trap in here!" Rika Shout felling very shocked
'I think maybe it better for me to investigate it' Pixle whisper quietly while there a feeling for her to want to look what behind the otherside of the door. On her was toward the door, suddenly....
Hey guys im sorry if it does not make any sence about seven knight in the story but it will soon. And if you guys were new to this story check out my other story i made (Seven Knight x Reader).... and for those who have already read my other story i might probably started to focus on this story from now on so sorry if any wrong grammar or bad english...

The Other Dimension (Seven Knight Fanfiction)
FanfictionThe story about five friend that found a weird particle that bring them to the other world full of adventure... Sorry if there any wrong grammar or english. I didn't own this image and ENJOY!!!