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This chapter was beta-read by: Sakura's Unicorn

"So what did you say?" Boruto wants to know, thumb hovering on the game controller as he glances over at his friend.

"Obviously, I told them that they were insane," Inojin replies, a superior expression on his face. "And that if they were that desperate to recapture their youth, there were more expedient and less permanent ways to do so. Like a gambling weekend in Tanzaku Town or public nudity. Finally, I explained the concept of a midlife crisis in painstaking detail. With charts."

"And what did you say in your outside voice?" Shikadai counters dryly, eyes glued to the television screen.

Inojin's shoulders hunch and in a quieter, more subdued voice replies, "I said whatever they think is best for the clan is fine with me."

"So, you basically chickened out," Shikadai concludes. His silver-armoured warrior swoops in and snatches the item drop that Boruto's light warrior just worked so hard to get.

"Oh, come on!" Boruto snarls, while Inojin sighs and says, "... Yeah. I'm pretty sure they've been trying for the past two weeks now. I think that's why Mom didn't make a big deal about me hanging out with you guys today instead of training with Dad."

The three boys shudder collectively.

Then Boruto sniggers. "I guess Sarada's not the only one who's getting a younger sibling next year."

"What are you laughing at?" Inojin demands. "You already have one."

"Yeah, but she's not in diapers. Who do you think your parents are going to want to help them change those when the time comes?"

Inojin looks a little green then, as if he never even thought of the possibility.

"Parents shouldn't be allowed to have sex after they have kids," he groans. "It's totally irresponsible."

Shikadai seems to notice that interest in the game has waned because he pauses it and puts down his controller in resignation.

"I'm amazed they even brought it up with you before doing the deed," he tells Inojin. "Could be worse. They could have surprised you with it. That'd be a drag."

"Mom includes me in most decisions these days. She says she's preparing me for my future role as 'head of the clan,'" Inojin grumbles, making air-quotes as he speaks. "It's not like what I care about matters, anyway."

"You think you have it bad? If Uncle Gaara hadn't finally gotten his act together, I might have ended up being Kazekage."

"Yeah, right! Who would accept you as Kazekage? That's like Boruto becoming Hokage one day."

"Oi! I'd be a great Hokage!" Boruto protests and crosses his arms petulantly. "If I wanted to be. Which I don't. Because that's Sarada's thing. All I have to do is watch out for her and protect her while she deals with the messy bits. Believe it!"

"Judging from the craters she's been leaving across the training grounds lately, I'd say she can protect herself," Inojin remarks.

"Yeah," Boruto says, his tone turning more subdued. "That's actually kind of new... She's been grouchy lately."

"All girls are like that once a month," Shikadai points out sagely.

"I'm not talking about that, moron, I'm talking about in general. Usually, she nags me and Mitsuki about training and improving ourselves, but lately, she's just really quiet and scary focussed. She threw Konohamaru-sensei thirty metres the other day because he surprised her while she was practising kata."

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