Chapter Six
Wow Ky was cocky.
"Obviously it's me, everyone knows that." He smirked at me from across the room, figuring I would choose him. I rolled my eyes.
Crap. Who do I choose? This could possibly upset quite a few people. I can't choose anyone that's taken; I'm not that kind of person. So, Ky, Rion, Christian, or Landon.
"So, Bo, who do you chose?" Rion asked me, that devilish grin still on his face. I scowled at him, wanting to disappear.
Everyone was watching me intently as I stood up. I slowly walked over to Landon and Ky, who just happened to be sitting next to each other. Perfect.
I grinned and pulled Landon up. He was a great guy, who knows, maybe it'll go somewhere...
Landon's eyes widened as I stood on my tiptoes and pulled his head down, softly pressing my lips to his. He deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. Everyone burst into applause and laughter as they watched us. It was kind of awkward.
He ran his tongue along my bottom lip unexpectedly, causing me to gasp. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I couldn't help but think about what a strange thing this was, having another persons tongue in your mouth. Then... Ah, we were officially making out.
I pulled back as someone cleared their throat. I turned to see a room full of uncomfortable people sitting there, some of them with their mouths hanging open.
"Uh..." I trailed off, walking over to my seat next to Lannie and Maia.
Landon looked as shocked as I felt as he sat down next to Ky, who was still smirking.
"My turn," Ky announced, standing up. "I choose dare," he crossed his arms, and I saw, was that... No, it couldn't be. Was that... Jealousy?
"Ky, that isn't how the game goes, I have to choose who I want to ask." I stood up, mimicking his actions.
"Well now I've chosen for you," he retorted, his smirk getting bigger.
I huffed, noticing everyone was staring at us. "I dare you..." I stopped, unsure of what to ask.
I have to admit, over this past week, I found myself getting closer to everyone, Ky in particular. He was a self-centred, egotistical, player, but underneath that, I think he could possibly have a shred of decency in him. And that's when I started forming a slight crush. Which was bad. Like, really bad. Because he's a player, and he would never like me, and all that'll happen is he'll reject me and I'll get hurt. And I didn't want to get hurt. Or maybe he was worth the risk.
"Well? You dare me to...?" Ky tapped his foot impatiently, huffing.
"Uh, I dare you to kiss the girl you want to date the most," I said, wincing internally as I realised I'd just set myself up to get hurt. Plus, I had basically just recycled Rion's dare for me.
Everyone stared at me wide-eyed, probably since Ky doesn't date. But nobody was expecting him to slowly start walking towards me. And nobody was expecting him to suddenly turn and pull Lena to her feet, crashing his lips into hers, making everyone gasp.
I felt a slight stabbing pain in my chest from watching them and I quickly turned away, plastering a fake grin onto my face which I knew was believable; I had done it many times.
Everyone started hooting as their kiss deepened and I caught Landon's eye across the room, giving him a small smile, which he returned.
The game continued, and the pain in my chest never went away, in fact, it only got worse when Ky asked Lena out and she said yes, shooting me a triumphant look no one else caught.
Hang on, I thought she liked me?
I shrugged the thought away, not being bothered with it. She probably was just thanking me. It was my fault after all.
"Bo, we haven't had you in a while, truth or dare?" Landon asked me, giving me a shy smile.
I let out a little giggle as he winked at me, then realised that was totally out of character. Jeez, what's gotten into me?
"Uh, truth," I chose, thinking it was the best way to go. Wrong.
"Are you a virgin?" he asked, making me choke on air. So, I thought he was a good guy.
What? Okay, so, I am indeed a virgin, and Ky knows that, and my entire Drama class, but the question was pretty personal, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to answer. I mean, what if they didn't like me because of it? Well, they'd just have to get over it, it's my body and I decide what happens to it.
That was basically the internal babble my mind made that I was faced with every day. That was how I answered every question, made every decision. With what I called, the 'Psycho Babble'. Quite catchy actually.
"Uh, yeah, I am," I answered, raising my chin up a little higher. When Lena let out a snort, everyone turned to her, their eyebrows raised.
"Well I think it's a good thing; I mean, it shows you have respect for your body, and that when you're ready, you'll do it with the right person. I know some people," Rion paused to shoot a pointed look at Lena, before continuing, "Who gave it up to the first guy that gave them any kind of attention,' he finished, making me feel grateful. Lena looked pissed off, flicking her hair over her shoulder and sniffing a little.
"Yeah, it's totally a good thing," James backed me up, winking at Ally, who blushed. Just another cute thing she did.
"Uh, anyway, my turn," I said with an awkward laugh. I looked around the room, unsure who to choose. Then I stopped on Lena. "Truth or dare?" I challenged.
"Truth." She smirked, probably thinking I wanted to dare her to do something embarrassing.
"What's you problem with me?" I asked, hoping my voice was more confident than how I was feeling.
She gave me a fake smile, but I could see the daggers in her eyes. "What do you mean? I don't have a problem with you," she gushed, her voice sickly sweet. Nobody was buying that.
I knew she was lying, but didn't push it.The game continued for a little while before everyone started getting tired. I showed them to the guest bedrooms, before returning to my own to see Lannie, Maia, Sebastian, Landon and Ky all standing there, in deep discussion about something.
"...Trust her, she could ruin everything," Landon finished, before I cleared my throat, making them all turn to me, surprised looks on their faces.
Who were they talking about?
Lannie was the quickest to recover, plastering a smile on her face. "So, where are we sleeping?" she asked, walking towards me.
"Uh, well there are two other spare bedrooms, but someone will have to sleep in here with me, unless you want to sleep with Daniel, but I'm pretty sure it won't be just the two of you," I said, cringing. I ran a hand through my hair, feeling really tired all of a sudden.
I let them sort out who was sleeping where, too tired to do it myself.
I sighed, taking a seat on my bed, rubbing my palms over my eyes. A lot had happened tonight, and I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to my attacker.