I got here half an hour ago to meet my new partner and get the details to the job. My patience starts running thin when I hear the doors open. I don't look back in fear I might hurt this bone head for being late. When Alice calls for everyone's attention, I turn and I don't believe my eyes. It's the lunatic from earlier.
"You?" I said
"Well of course it's me, who else would you expect?" she turned to face Alice. "Are you telling me, you're pairing me off with this...with this...I have no words to describe her."
"Alice, you can't be seriously thinking of putting me with this half twat, unstable, lunatic idiot, are you?" I said turning to the boss.
She turns back towards me with anger in her eyes. "Who the hell are you calling a twat, you over grown ape."
"Over grown Ape?" I walk towards her with my fists balled at my sides. "Why you two-faced, air headed, fuck! I will fucking cut you!"
"You fuc---" She was about to say when Alice intervened.
"Shut up before I eliminate the both of you."
"That bitch started it." She shouted poking me in the chest with her index finger.
"Excuse me?! Why you--" I say pushing her hand away. I hear a loud bang and turn to see Alice holding a gun in the air.
"I said, shut the fuck up!" She yells.
I look from one to the other. "Sorry boss." I say as I stare pointedly at her.
She sighs. "Yeah, sorry."
Alice puts the gun back in her pants' waistband and looks at the both of us with a slightly cold look in her hazel eyes.
"Good. Now, everyone park their asses in a chair so we could begin like the grown ups I thought you were." She says as we all sit down.
"I just don't see why I have to team up with her, is all." I grumble.
"It's no picnic for me either, buddy!" Andrea yells.
"Oh for the love of God! You two are the best my top two gangs have to offer, okay? So, you're gonna fucking team up and do as I fucking say cause I fucking said so, ya got that?!" Alice screams as she bangs her fists on the table and gives us all a directed look.
"Yes boss." We say in unison.
"Good!" She says as she tries to calm down. "Now, here's your job. My biggest rival gang is getting on my last nerve."
"The Black Panthers?" I ask
"The douche bags that killed Tasha?" Andrea adds
"The one and only." Alice says with a sad glint in her eyes but only for a moment before they turn cold. "I want them all dead but bring the leader to me. Beat him up, rape him, call him names, I don't care. I just want him alive, understand?"
We look at each other and smirk a bit before looking back at Alice.
"That, we can do." We say in unison.
Alice smiles. "Those are my girls. I don't care what or how you do this. Just make it happen." We both nod. "Good. Pass by Bulldog's store for some new weapons. Take whatever you need for your gangs and put it on my tab."
We both stand up to leave but are stopped at the door by Alice's voice.
"Oh and ladies, clean up your messes this time. I'm not your maid." She raises her eyebrows at me.
"Yes, ma'am." I say sheepishly as we exit.

Life with the Executioner(girlxgirl)
General FictionTwo women. Very different yet so much alike. Randy Savage and Andrea Ballard, otherwise known as Catcall and Sane by their gang members, are the leaders of two of the most deadliest mafias under The Ecxutioner. They grew up under her, she made them...