I stood there. Just like that. He ran towards me and fell on the ground. I just stoof there. My face remained expressionless, only a flicker of longingness passing through my eyes. A longingness to change. To help. To be on the other side of the war. But I couldn't. I was trapped, drowning in the shadows blooming in my own heart, caged from the world I was born to be in. It'd swallowed me on that fatal day just because I was too scared to die, too scared for Judgement Day when my sins and my lies would be viewed with the clearest of lenses, made only to see the worst. My mistakes, my mind... tainted by darkness, my light eclipsed by horrors I forbid myself to speak of. The terrors that tortured me everyday, everynight, haunting me with what I had done.
And now I wanted out. I wanted to leave. I wanted to die and never look back. But I couldn't. No matter how ahrd I willed myself to.
No matter how I threw the dice of choice.