Chapter 21

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Laura's POV

I got to school early so I could hand in some papers to my 1st period teacher. I walked through the empty hallways of the big building, and finally I arrived at the classroom. I turned in my papers and I left to my my bag away. I walked through the yet again empty hallway to find my locker.

Lockers are so overrated, just saying.

I finally found my locker and put the combination. I opened it and put in some books and my bag inside the small sized locker. But then I heard a bunch of footsteps step inside. I decided to hide. Just because of Ross, I'm known as "The Dorky Heartbreaker."

I hate you Ross.

But I'm glad he gets homeschooled, I'm discusted to hear him or even look at him. I saw a crowd of people in the hallway. I also heard a voice.

"Hey, hey, hey. There's enough of this to pass around!"


"How?!" I mouthed.

I guess one of the people in the crowd saw me, because he called out to everyone else in the crowd.

"Hey! It's The Dorky Heartbreaker! We're sorry! Let's shake on it!" he said.

"N-No," I stammered.

They all laughed.

"You're scared aren't you? You break hearts, duh," one other person said.

I huffed and walked up the person.

"Fine, just to get it over it," I said.

We were about to shake hands but he tried twisting my arm, but failed. Instead I flipped him over. Filling with gasps in the hallways.

"Shut it," I said walking into the girl's bathroom.

I looked into the mirror and looked at myself. I'm useless, I'm dorky, I'm just...


I sighed looking into the mirror. I heard the door open.

"Great, The Dorky Heartbreaker is here," Chelsea said rolling her eyes.

"I hope it's not contagious!" Miranda fake gasped.

They both cackled.

How are they likable? They sound like witches!

I rolled my eyes.

"Miranda, guess what?" Chelsea said loudly.

"What?" Miranda replied.

"Ross asked me out!"

They both squealed in happiness.

"OMG! Congrats! Let's get you an outfit after school!" Miranda said.

"Kk!" Chelsea said, then they both walked out babbling on and on about the new movie that's coming out.

I would love to watch it but I don't have the time. I got a new job at Target. I didn't think about the movie since after I got hired. I sighed just thinking about it. The bell rang for 1st period, I ran out of the bathroom and down the halls. I speed walked into the classroom and sat in my seat next to Raini. She passed me a note instantly. I looked at it.

Hey Laur,

Are you okay with Ross back in school?


I replied.

I don't know Raini, I don't feel comfortable around him or his "crew."


I tried passing the note to Raini but I got caught by Mr. Windfillion.

"Ms. Marano I see that you have a note. I'll not look at it but I'll have to give you attention, and please throw the note away," he said.

I stood up, and felt all eyes on me. I took a piece of paper from my pocket and threw that one away. I still had the original note in my other pocket. I sat down at my seat 'paying attention' to what Mr. Windfillion is saying.

This is so boring.

I nearly fell asleep but I heard the bell ring.

Close call.

Then I walked out of the classroom and walked into 2nd period, the class that I have with Ross. He kept on looking at me every once in a while.I couldn't tell if he was angry or not.

I didn't know why he was in the first place.


HAI! HOLLA! HIYA! SAY CHEESE! Don't say cheese...for reasons...By the way I just wanted to say thank you for reading this book so far! You guys are AMAZEBALLS!


-Anna Bri😋

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