Chapter Two

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~Post Apocalyptic~

• Karma's Point of View •

I stared silently up at the darkened sky, the cool breeze rushing up and under my shirt as I laid in the grass. My bike sat not ten feet away from me, the gas tank still ticking from having recently been stopped. I always enjoyed the few minutes right before it would rain. The wind would start up, the sky darkened, the breeze would become cool. It was almost like it was preparing for a war. That...that somehow, was the best feeling in the world. The calm before the storm.

~ Present ~

I was quick to fire my gun, missing Negan's large head by just a few inches.

"Fuck!" I cursed loudly, I literally had one fucking chance and missed by inches. With quick movements I jumped down from the camper that he had darted inside. It was a careless mistake. I landed on my ankle wrong, it rolled, then proceeded to pop as I laid myself down on the ground my pistol in my hands.

"Get up you idiots!" I hissed looking back over my shoulder, my black, dirty hair falling in my face. "Don't just lay there! Run!" With that, I cocked my gun.

Rick scampered up quickly dragging Maggie up with him. He tried to be easy and gentle with her, but right now, with guns blazing he didn't have much of an option. Maggie groaned clutching her stomach as she looked up at Rick, Abraham's blood still caked on her face.

"Glenn!" Rick yelled getting the Korean man's attention. "Take Maggie! Head for the highway! Stay undercover! If anything gets in your way, you don't hesitate. You take them down." Rick growled the last part in his ear as he handed Maggie off to her lover.

"No, don't. We have a retreat." A young woman spoke, not even out of her teenage years yet, but still bravely bared a gun in her hand. Rick opened his mouth to protest, a look of distrust in his eyes. "We don't have time to argue. We just saved your ass. You can either walk to the highway and get killed or follow me. "

I would have to assume that they thought her option was better, because Rick quickly gathered up the rest of his remaining group and retreated behind Anabeth back into the woods.
Saviors laid on the ground either dead or quickly meeting death as Anabeth led them through a twisting and turning path. Her gun stayed drawn beside her as she wiped her face with the back of her bloody hand.

"Who are you?" Michonne was the first to ask the question Rick was slowly building himself up to ask. The young teenager looked back at her with soft, reassuring eyes, although it didn't ease Rick's stomach that was tightened in knots.

"I'm either your best friend," she took a shallow breath winking at Michonne as she turned her head back to the direction her body was moving, "or your worst nightmare. You guys can decide."
I stood shakily to my feet, ignoring the searing pain that skyrocketed up my legs as I took a step to the camper door. My blood boiled as I took a deep breath willing myself to relax.

The redneck watched me from behind. His stare willing to melt through my now dirty, leather jacket and ripped shirt.

"You open the door. I'll go in." He spoke in a deep, husky voice walking to my side to look down at me. My fist clenched around my gun as I jerked my head up to stare at him.

"Get to your group." I hissed through gritted teeth glaring him down as I reached for the door knob. I knew I could fret and boil all I wanted at the man before me, but something told me he wasn't going to leave. The gunshots had died down to just a few exchanged here and there, so I knew we had to make this quick. I couldn't spend my time arguing with a redneck.

With still and settle hands I opened the door, that was surprisingly not locked. It opened with a shrilling squeak and before I knew it the man beside me had snatched my small pistol and bolted inside. A small gasp left my lips as I braced myself for a gunshot or a shout. I was more confused than disappointed when I didn't hear neither. Just his loud, southern "dammit!". With raised eyebrows and no weapon I scrambled inside my ankle aching in protest.

A/N: Big thank you to all that commented and voted on the previous chapter! It really does mean a lot to me. Don't forget to do the same on this chapter as well! I tried something new, which was POV, (point of view). Since this is new, do you guys prefer the POV's or just third person? Thank you for reading. Please stay safe and have a good day/night. ~ Aaliyah xx

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