THIRTEEN : City drives and Saving lives

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hi! i only just realized i forgot to put a title on the last few entries. hahaha! oops. sleep deprivation is bad, y'all...

hope you enjoy!



After breakfast, everyone scrambled to get ready for what Bee said would be a 'life-changing' day.

That's some big britches to fill, if I say so myself..

I was just thinking to myself whilst in the shower, and as I rinsed off the last of the suds, I heard a pounding at the door.

"DANIELLE! GET A FREAKING MOVE ON! THE DAY IS RUNNING!" Christina yelled. She almost always yelled when we were pressed for time, today was no exception. Only difference was that she was extra amped up by the lemon water spritz that Bee gave us.

I raced to dry myself off, thank the heavens Philippine weather was so hot, the cold shower wasn't really as torturous as I would've imagined, plus, the coldness woke me up even more despite the ever present jetlag.

"HOLD YOUR CHESTNUT HORSES, I'M COMING!" I yelled back, putting on an oversized white tshirt and some black skinny jeans.

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TURNING ON THE HAIR DRYER!" She screamed as I reached for the dryer.


I guess there's that.

I opened the bathroom door and the cold chill from the AC shocked my skin. Traipsing towards my suitcase that looked like it exploded, I grabbed a fresh pair of socks and attempted to put them on standing up.

I failed.

"Owww! My butt hates me.. I hate mee. Aaaaaah! Paaaaaaaaiiiin!"

"Dani," Lisa said, facing the big vanity mirror while putting on her lipstick, "Just put on your shoes and be done with it.."

I sighed, making sure everyone heard me, and put on my red high tops. I made sure I had the essentials in my little backpack. And before I knew it, Angel knocked on the door and peaked inside.

"Everyone ready?" She asked

"Definitely." Christina answered.

"Not." said Lauren, who was still packing gum into a small bag.

"You guys, let's go! Bee is waiting!" Stina told us

"Actually," Angel said, " Bee left about fifteen minutes ago, she said she needed to sort something out about an LED screen?"

"Oh dang, yeah, that was my request..." Christina said quietly.

"Well anyway, she said she was going to meet you at the foundation instead. I'll see you girls in the van? Uhm, soon?" Angel asked, politely looking at her watch.

Christina gave me an intense look, I looked back at her signaling what? I've been ready the whole time you were talking! I am willing to do my makeup in the freaking VAN for you.

"We'll be there in two minutes." Christina told Angel, not letting me out of her sight.

As we got outside, I saw Angel waiting by the passenger seat of the big white van we rode from the airport, and I saw a familiar face.

"Emilio, hey!" I greeted, waving at our driver.

He looked at me and smiled, "Hello, Miss Dani, how are you doing today?"

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