Part 33

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(some things I need to change in the storyline due to me changing stuff already aha, even things that probably aren't noticeable) (I'm also writing this off of my memory so sorry if anything that was actually said too is inaccurate in this)

So much has happened already, after being held hostage in Aaron's own workplace, him and Robert both been quiet, until Robert told Aaron about Andy and Ross's deal...

Aaron's POV

"Aaron, please don't do anything!" Robert asked as we got up to walk out of the pub. "I can't promise anything, Robert" I told him. I think he knew as well as me that I could shoot Andy right now. We walked out, and stopped. Andy was walking along, with Bernice. I couldn't stop myself as I walked over to him. "Oi!" I shouted, and as he turned around, I punched him in the nose, knocking him down on the floor. Maybe I was taking my anger out on him because of what he did, what happened at the scrapyard, or both. He felt his nose, blood pouring from it. "What the hell was that for?!" Bernice asked, staring at me in horror. Robert held my waist, staring at Andy. I pointed at the man sprawled on the floor and shouted "Don't you know? He got Ross to shoot Robert! That's also for leaving me in jail, sending my mum crazy". I full on yelled "and for getting someone to shoot my boyfriend, you sick bastard" and walked off, Robert following me home. "Why didn't you just leave it?" He asked, sighing as we walked in. "I couldn't help myself" I told him, sighing. I jogged upstairs, and tried to sleep everything off that had happened.

Robert's POV

I think it was clear that we'd both been affected by Chrissie escaping and trying to kill us, as much as we both tried to hide it. We hardly talked, I still felt bad about not telling him about who shot me. On Monday morning, I was sat on our couch, head in my hands, when Aaron sat next to me and hugged me. It took me a second, but I hugged him back, clinging on to him. As he buried his head into my neck, I could feel him trembling. "I'm sorry" he mumbled, and I pulled back from our hug slightly. I couldn't help but notice the cut that was on his neck from that knife, it was deep and I'd be surprised if it doesn't leave a scar. I was also surprised that the knife didn't cut his windpipe. Thank god that it didn't! "You don't need to be sorry" I told him, and he hugged his knees.

Aaron's POV

Robert just hugged me again, and suggested "Come on, let's go and get dressed and go to the café and wait until your mum gets back, hey?". I nodded, and ran up the stairs to get changed. I was almost ready when Robert walked in. "You're fast, aren't you?" He asked, smiling. I nodded and smiled back. Robert finished getting changed as I checked my phone to see if there were any messages from my mum. Nothing. We walked to the café, Robert jogging ahead for some reason. When I got to the café, Robert walked back out and passed me a coffee. "Helping people out, buying people stuff...what've you done with the real Robert?" I asked jokingly. "Just trying to keep on your good side, in case you want to punch me next" he replied. "Well, it's not like I can un-hit him, even if I could I wouldn't" I told him, and I saw a taxi coming down the road. "You're not gonna say anything are you?" Robert asked me. "Well I'm not gonna hide anything from her" I told him, and started to walk where the taxi was stopping. "Even if it's for the best?" Robert called out, walking with me. I zipped up my hoodie to hide my neck as my mum got out and I smiled. "Alright?" I asked her. "Oh not I am" as she hugged me. She let go, and turned to Robert. "Air hug" she said, and Robert said "Cheers" whilst I smirked. At least they were getting along better. "So, anything new?" My mum asked. Do I tell her? I made my decision in a second before turning to Robert. "No, nothing" I said. "Why'd you ask?" Robert questioned. "Just making conversation" she replied, and my phone rang. Whilst I was on the phone, she said to Robert "Bag duty". "I gotta go, see you later" I said, and my mum called out "Got away with it this time!".

Robert's POV

I went to pick up Chas's suitcase, but she knocked it away from me with her foot. "Well that's helpful" I retorted. "Tell me what's up with you and him" she said, her arms crossed. "Nothing" I replied, looking up. "Oh Robert, don't be boring!" Chas exclaimed, and added "Now, put my bags in the back room of the pub and tell me what's going on". I sighed, finished my coffee and binned it, then picked up her suitcases and took them with me to the pub. Chas opened the door, and I put her suitcases next to the table. "Right. Talk" she demanded as she sat down on the sofa. "About..." I smirked as I said it. "Don't waste any time, Robert" she told me. I sat down at the table, and began. "Well, Aaron wanted to know who...shot me, so you could get better" I told her slowly, knowing I'd have to talk about Andy. But Chrissie? "I really need to go to the loo, I'll tell you after" I said, getting up and walking to the stairs as Chas sighed and threw her arms up in the air. I went to the bathroom, closed the door, and texted Aaron. "Stuck at the pub. Your mum wants answers. Do I just tell her about Andy, or Chrissie too?xx". I instantly got a reply, which read "Just Andy. Don't need anymore stress xx". I came back downstairs, but Chas was gone, so I walked to the bar. "Yes, I'll be fine. Oh, Robert. To the back room!" Chas exclaimed, letting go of her embrace with Charity and walking to the back room, me following her. "Continue!" She nearly shouted, sitting down and crossing her arms. "Well, I told Aaron who shot me" I continued. "Which was..?" She asked, waiting for my answer. "Andy got Ross to do it. Some twisted deal. So Aaron punched Andy yesterday, and now Bernice knows who was behind it" I explained, and Chas nodded. "Right" she said, uncrossing her arms. "That's it?" She asked. "All of it" I lied. "Well, I'm gonna go..." I told her, walking out the front way. I walked to the house, and Aaron was sat on our couch. "Did she believe you?" He asked me. "I think so, surprising really. Not like I lied, just didn't tell your mum everything" I replied, and added "She doesn't know that you know I told her, by the way". "What, so you want me to play the innocent card?" He asked, crossing his arms. "No, that's up to you. Come on, we're going for dinner in the pub" I told him, helped him up, and kissed him. "What was that for?" Aaron asked, smiling as I held his waist. "Felt like it" I replied, and he kissed me, slowly. I kissed him back, and we went to the pub to have a daunting conversation with Chas.


Hi guys! I'm actually so sorry about this pathetic excuse for a chapter. It's really short, badly changed and poorly written. I want to apologise for that. I also want to apologise for not writing in ages, I have writers block and I've had to move as well. I hope you don't hate it!

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