"Oh? Do I have a visitor?"
Sitting in front of a large mahogany desk sat an old man with the longest earlobes I had ever seen. He was bald except for a white pony tail that sat on the back of his head, almost like a hat. He had bushy, white facial hair to match the color of his ponytail, and his eyebrows seemed to be trying to escape his face.
"Hello Mr. Netero. This person was found wandering outside school grounds with a suitcase, insisting that his 'plane crashed'." Hitori said, not bothering to look at me as I glared up at him. He was making me sound like a total nutcase.
"Hoho! A plane crash you say?'' The old man let out a hearty laugh and my cheeks started to heat up with embarrassment, "well kid, no one, including myself, has heard any type of crash on the island today. Perhaps you're confused?"
All I could bring myself to do was glare down at my feet, my hands in tight balls at my side. I wasn't crazy. I wasn't going to let an ANIME CHARACTER make me think I was crazy! After a few seconds, the old man signed, and I looked up to see him with a soft smile on his face, "don't worry kid, I don't think you're lying. Let's start over. My name is Isaac Netero, and I am the principal of Enima High School. I may be old, but I can recognize when someone is scared. Don't worry! You'll be safe here," next to me, Hitori coughed. Netero glanced at him before smiling back at me, "Well, at least I'll make sure you don't die."
Of course I knew who he was, how could I not? He was Isaac Netero, one of the strongest characters in Hunter x Hunter. I knew that, though he might appear friendly, he was kind of a... dick.
"Could you tell me about yourself, young man? What's your name?"
I blinked, "(y/n) (l/n). I'm 16, and I was supposed to be on a plane to France when it-" I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence, instead looking down at my shoes again. My poor parents, did they think I was dead?
"I'm sorry (y/n). And I'm even more sorry to say that currently, there is no way to get off of this island." Netero said. The air in the room seemed to thicken, "Because of the uniqueness of this situation, myself and the rest of the staff here will be monitoring you, but I have decided that the best course of action while we figure out your strange circumstances, is to enroll you in classes at Enima High School."
I stepped forward, slamming my hands on the old man's desk, eyes wide.
"I'm sorry, what? I don't think that's going to work, my parents don't even know where I am, I can't stay here that long!"
Netero only chuckled, looking up at me with a sharpness that almost made me flinch, "Would you rather try to survive outside of campus? In the woods? You know, the students at this school love to spread legends of the monsters that live in those woods, but I'm sure they're not true. If that's what you'd prefer, i'll even provide you with a sleeping bag!" I gulped, laughing nervously before I stepped back to my place next to Hitrori; he seemed like an angel compared to this crazy old man.
"Oh well, I guess it would be better to wait on campus while you all figure out a way to get me home." I stuttered out, avoiding eye contact with Netero. It made sense to me now, why this universe had decided to make him principal. He was scary as all hell. Even if he didn't have powers (if my theory was correct), his energy could be felt in a room of 20 people.
I mean, maybe a few weeks surrounded by my favorite anime characters wouldn't be so bad? I would probably never get a chance like this again, and if I wasn't dead (god, I really hoped I wasn't dead), then I would carry these memories for the rest of my life... But how long were they really planning on keeping me here?
"Great! I'll send one of my best students to come and escort you to the dorms, get you all set up. Why don't you take a little time to explore the campus until 4:00, then meet me back at my office."

Male reader x Anime boys
FanfictionThis is it. My bags have been packed, my uniform folded, my tickets bought. These next two years of high school, I (y/n) (l/n) am going to be attending boarding school in France! Life is good for (y/n). He's completed his goal, having enough money...