"Oh my god what has he done to you?!?",I demanded."Oh nothing much,Add a few scratches to his face and then put a few knives in his stomach you know the usual.",Saigon said with a smile."It's ok I still have a few minutes left in me,You can heel me.Right?",Aidan said."Yeah",I said."well you two spend your last few minutes together I'll be back in the morning to take out the trash.I think you both know what that means",He said leaving.
"Oh let me clean you up",I said.I hadn't used my healing power ever and didn't know how but I didn't have a choice.I had to save my friend which I had feelings for."I want to tell you something,.......I lo..lov...",Aidan started."don't say no more",I said.I leaned on and kissed him.This time it was a long kiss.So acute.It was....it was perfect.
I soon felt a sharp pain in my back.It ached.Aidan pushed my head forward causing Me to get worried.I soon passed out because the pain was so aching.I fell in his arms."Knock Knock,Agh I see you did as you were told.",Saigon said."Only to protect her from being your slave for eternity",Aidan backs sassed."Come brother,We have a lot of work we need to blow through.",Saigon said."Can I at least make sure she's ok",Aidan asked."Sure,Be down in 10 minutes,Oh here.",He said leaving"I'll heal your wounds".
Aidan leaned in and slowly took the knife out of her back.He put Alcohol on it and wrapped it nicely.He wiped my tears from my face with his thumb.He lifted me and placed me on my bed.He put my hands together just above my waist.He straightened my hair."Eh,Your minutes are up let's go!",Saigon screamed.He walked out of the door closing it behind him."Goodbye love,We'll meet again...You will find me...And that's a promise.",He said leaving.
Blue Ice
FantasyWhen her parents die in an epic battle to save the planet of Icelandic she is left to rule the throne.She likes it at first but then danger starts lurk through the shadows she is in deep trouble.She uses all her power to protect the planet.Will this...