Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

The day soon ended and the city grew dark. The sky was clear and full of tiny specks of glittering stars. London wasn’t usually like this. The air would normally be thick with pollution and the sky would be clouded over releasing heavy rain drops.

Ellice had already left for the day and I was leaning over the counter staring out of the window. The shop was silent except from my relaxed breaths and the soft rattle from the wind against the door. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and frowned. It was 6:32pm. My dad should have arrived to pick me up by now. I yanked my phone from my pocket and noticed I had 2 missed calls and a text from him. I opened the text and sighed to myself ‘Stuck in traffic. Going to be a little late. Sorry.’

I shoved my phone back into my pocket, lifted my apron off and placed it back on the hook, ready for the next day. I strolled to the door and flung it open. The cold air hit my pale skin immediately and a shiver was sent directly down my spine, causing me to shudder. I forced my eyes shut and took in a deep breathe. As I exhaled I flipped the light switch off and shut the door behind me. Standing in the street with the wind swirling around me, blowing my hair into large knots I produced a set of keys from my pocket and searched for the shop key. I locked the door and stood in ice cold London. I wanted the cold air to wake me up and refresh me. And it did. I pushed my hands in my pockets and laid my back against the stone wall which felt damp through my clothes.

I proceeded to wait for my dad to arrive with no idea when that would be. A few minutes into my silence I heard stumbling footsteps from further along the path. I turned my head to see a black figure heading my way. The silhouette was slim with a mop of hair. The figure groaned and began to cough as he got closer. My body became tense and my stomach tightened as I realised I was an 18 year old girl. Alone.

I wanted to run but my feet wouldn’t allow me and I was glued to the ground. I swallowed and the man was now a metre away from me. One of his arms was clinging onto the wall to balance himself and his head was staring at the ground.

“Help me” he whispered, sounding in pain.

I stood silent and could feel my body shaking. Was he pretending to need my help? Was he trying to trick me?

He lifted his head slightly and the street light gently lit his face. He looked about my age with loose curls pushed back from falling in his eyes. He was hurt. Blood was dripping from his nose and one of his eyes looked swollen and bruised. I couldn’t leave him.

I regained control of my body and stepped towards him. Once close enough I took hold of his arm and supported his weight. He was rather tall and slumped to be closer to my height. His face was inches from mine and I stared into his eyes. They were beautiful. Even though one of them was hurt I could still see the amazing colour, emerald green. My mouth fell open slightly as I took in his features. His whole face was slightly swollen but he was gorgeous nonetheless. Clear green eyes and plump pink lips. The corner of his lip was pierced and it made him even more attractive.

“What happened?” I asked.

He took a deep breath and wiped his nose with his hand, smearing blood. “A fight” he smirked.

As soon as he opened his mouth the smell of alcohol smashed against my face. I took a small step back and he winced. “I’ll call an ambulance” I stated. He just nodded and I began to dial 999.

Within minutes an ambulance was pulled up in front of us. A kind looking woman jumped out and peeled the drunken man’s body from mine. She guided him to the back of the ambulance and sat him down inside.

“Jump in” she smiled to me once settled down.

“Oh no, I-”

“Hurry up!” she cut me off and pulled me into the vehicle.

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