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I am half lesbian.

I am not afraid to tell it.

I am not afraid if people will accept me.

I don't care if my family wouldn't accept me.

Well go on then.

Mock me.

Do what ya have always done.

Laugh about it.

Tell everyone.

Shout it in the middle of a crowd.

Whisper about it behind my back.

Then tell me

"It was private."

"We weren't talking about you."

"It was just a joke."

"We'll stop."

Then how come

The whole country knows about it?

I heard my name?

I ain't laughing?

Ya're still doing it?

What I am afraid of

is the mocking and bulling.

I ain't scared of being alone.

I like being alone.

It's better than being with ya guys.

But ya don't let me be alone.


Then tell me,

When I'm lying

on the ground

Eyes wide open

Soul somewhere else

than in my body

Was it worth it?

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