Chapter Twenty Five (Edited 10/31/2020)

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10/31/2020 - Happy Halloween :)) Figured I'd give a *spooky* chapter for a *spooky* day. This chapter is nearly 7k words, so it's a long one. Please don't hesitate to comment! Attached cover sent in by Shall_Know_Pain It's a beautiful and unique cover- I don't think I've ever received any quite like it! I love that editing the chapters has resulted in more/new people sending me covers!

TRIGGER WARNING: Please be wary later on in this chapter. Without me giving anything away... just please note this warning.


Today is the day. Friday; the day of the ever dreaded party that I, for some reason, have decided to attend. Even when given the chance to back out I made it clear to West and the others that I was going to go. That was easier to commit to when I still had a few days to prepare myself. But now the day is here, and I'm still not sure that I'm mentally ready. But then again... I don't think I'll ever be mentally ready to face the setting that helped create who I am today.

I walk towards the mirror in my closet and smooth out my dress that Alyse and I chose for me to wear. Of course, there was the obvious option of going in high-waisted jeans and a crop top, the typical party outfit, but I chose against that. Instead, I'm now realizing, I chose something that has potential to make me stand out...the opposite of my game plan. However, as the school mute who hasn't been to a party in three years, I suppose I was bound to stand out anyways.

It's a simple red 'skater' dress that isn't too revealing. I bought it for homecoming with Kyle, my ex, last year but I ended up breaking up with him before we ever went. So, better to wear it now than never I guess.

"You still all in on going tonight?" Alyse asks.

I catch her eye through the mirror and let out a small sigh.

"I don't think I'll ever be all in, but the important thing is that I'm also not completely against the idea. I can't keep hiding from such a normal high school Friday night, right?"

Alyse frowns and stands from my bed to walk over to me.

"Raine, no one is going to be mad if you need to back out. Frankly, we're all shocked you're still stuck on going."

"Thanks for the confidence in me."

She chuckles with a small eye roll. "You know what I mean. It's been three years, why now?"

I look back at myself in the mirror and stare at a girl who has been through so much in only 16 years of life, and the answer is right there.

"I'm sixteen. I need to start living my life instead of acting like it's over."

Alyse smiles softly. "You sure it doesn't have to do with a certain bad boy that's going?"

My cheeks flush nearly as red as my dress and I turn to face her.

"I guess West has a part in my decision, too."

I'm not going to be alone tonight, and I know who to trust. It won't happen again, how could it? I have five great friends that will be there with me the entire time.

I'm not as naïve as I was. I can't be.

"Knock knock!"

Alyse and I turn towards the doorway just as Toby opens the door and walks through with his typical party attire on. A flannel and jeans with a little bit of gel in his hair- guys have it so easy. They could wear sweatpants and would still look the part.

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