Chapter 1: Broken Washer

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My eyes fluttered open as I heard the sink pouring out water in the kitchen. I looked down to the clothes I was wearing and I was still wearing Aunt Emily's clothes. I realized that my clothes were probably done washing, so I got up and walked into the kitchen.
"Oh, I almost forgot you were wearing my clothes" laughed Aunt Emily.
"Whatever... Are my clothes done washing?" I asked.
"No... But they will be soon. The washer stopped in the middle of the night so I had to start it back up. I would still have to put the clothes in the dryer" answered Aunt Emily.
"Ugh... I really don't want to wear the same clothes two days in a row..." I groaned.
"Well, I could always get one of my pretty dresses and -" she started, but I quickly interrupted her.
"No! I'm fine with these clothes..." I then walked away from the kitchen and headed into the living room. I plopped down onto the couch and grabbed the TV Remote. I clicked the "Guide" button and began searching through the channels. There were many channels like AMC, TruTV, Disney Channel, Discovery Channel, and even TLC. AMC just had a rerun of the Walking Dead, TruTV had some reality magic show, but I noticed something on TLC. There was a show going on called, "I Am Jazz". I never watched that show. I know that I've heard that it was about a Transgender, but never really sat down and watched the show. I decided to click on that show and watch it for a little bit. It was very interesting, and I learned a lot.
After the episode was over, I decided to change the channel. I was still thinking about everything the show said...
I liked wearing my Aunt Emily's clothes... What did that mean? Was I Transgender? I thought about it for about an hour, but then stopped. I decided that I would just wait for my clothes to be done and then the feeling would go away. Aunt Emily then walked into the living room and sat on the couch.
"Are you enjoying my clothes?" she asked.
"I'd rather be in my clothes..." I lied.
"Come on... You are already crossdressing. You might as well just try on a dress as well. It's something you don't do everyday. Come on, it'll be our little secret" begged Aunt Emily.
"No... I'm not going to play dress up.." I rejected the offer. Although it would be interesting to wear a dress, I didn't want Aunt Emily to see me as someone who liked to wear her clothes. After that, she might tell everyone and I would be extremely embarrassed.
"Whatever... That's your choice" she stated.
Just then, we heard a loud noise from the bathroom and then the sound of water. We both immediately rushed to the bathroom to see what was happening. The very first thing that I noticed was that water was going all over the floor, and leaking from the top of the washer.
"What the heck?!" I asked.
"The washer broke and filled up with water!" yelled Aunt Emily, stepping through the soaked floor to get ALL of the towels.
She threw down all of the towels we had, but it still didn't do anything.

After about an hour of drying up the floor, it still wasn't completely done. But, it was all we could've done for now. Aunt Emily then opened up the washer, and saw a bunch of water and clothes.
"Your clothes are completely soaked..." she told me.
"Well... Just pop them into the dryer to dry them. It's just that simple.
Aunt Emily stuck her hands into the water and grabbed all of my clothes. She quickly threw them into the dryer and tried to turn it on. But, the dryer wouldn't start up.
"Dang it! I think the dryer is broke, too! I told your Uncle that we needed a new washer and dryer and he didn't even listen..." Aunt Emily ranted.
Aunt Emily then immediately unplugged both of the machines and sighed.
"What are we supposed to do?" I asked.
"We wait until your uncle comes back so we can get a new washer and dryer" Aunt Emily stated.
"What about my clothes? I need dry clothes!" I complained.
"Well, these clothes aren't going to dry anytime soon. Even if the dryer worked, your clothes would take a day to dry. With everything soaked, I wouldn't be surprised if your clothes started to get moldy" Aunt Emily gave me the news.
"Then can you go get me new clothes?" I asked.
"What? I am not wasting gas money to go on a thirty minute drive to Wal-Mart just to get you clothes. You can always wear my clothes without a problem. We will figure something out soon" Aunt Emily told me.
I was excited, but mostly disappointed.
"Yeah... I really didn't want to go into the store dressed like a girl anyway..." I said.
"Well, it looks like you need some new clothes for the day. Come upstairs, I'll let you wear one of my outfits..."

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