(1) Massage - KomaHina

Start from the beginning

"Would you like me to use the oil, Hinata-sama? This is a standard question, as some people's skin reacts to it poorly."

"Uh, yeah sure, I'm fine with oil. Also, you can call me 'Hinata-san'. 'Sama' just sounds weird to me..." The shorter male slightly laughed, partly because he had to awkwardly lift his head so everything he said wasn't gibberish.

"Okay, then you can call me 'Komaeda-san' as well. Is it alright if I start now?" Hinata gave a muffled 'mhm', and the taller of the two put some oil in his hands, beginning with the shoulders.

As Komaeda worked, Hinata let out quite suggestive sounds. The albino couldn't help but chuckle at his reactions. "Ah, Hinata-san, are you getting off on this?" The brunette's face turned red at the accusation. Thank God my face is in the pillow.

"N-no! I just - aahhh - haven't had a massage in a long time and - ohmygod - I have a lot of knots so this feels really niIIICCEEee hahahaaaa..." Komaeda nodded and smiled, even though Hinata couldn't see it.

"Yes, I know, I just wanted to tease you a bit. Pardon my crudeness. You really do have many kinks in your back, though. This may take awhile if you want me to try and get them all out." Before he finished the sentence, Hinata nearly thought Holy shit, why is he talking about kinks? but then he realized what he actually meant.

"No, yeah, that's perfect... ly fine! I just want the pain to go away. I can eeeee-ven pay more if I need to." He didn't mind spending some more time (with Komaeda) like this if it just meant losing a few extra dollars.

"I don't have anyone to work on after you, so I'll do my best."


To pass the time, the two had a few conversations and found that they were around the same age and had similar interests. It was a miracle Komaeda could understand anything Hinata was saying with his head in a pillow, but there were still a few misinterpretations that they brushed off.

After working on Hinata's back and legs for a bit longer, Komaeda told him to flip over so he could massage his shoulders and calves from a different position. Oh no, now I have to look at him too? As he turned to rest on his back, Hinata was partially nervous.

Komaeda started on his shoulders once more, while Hinata tried to point his eyes in any direction except the albino's, occasionally failing. Too bad he noticed.

"If you would like, Hinata-san, you can shut your eyes and relax so you don't have to see trash... unless you'd rather stare at me the whole time." The brunette regretted seeing his wink before closing his eyes.

Blushing once again, Hinata decided to give some snark. "You know, I think I'll take your suggestion and shut my eyes, thanks." Komaeda just laughed and continued.

At some point while conversing and joking with the masseur - not as many embarrassing vocalizations as before, Hinata's breathing started to slow and even out, his words trailing off.

Komaeda could just let him rest and keep massaging... Or he could mess with him some more. He decided on the latter option. First, he chose to lightly run his nails across Hinata's ribs, which got him light chuckles and a few swats. He wanted to up the ante, so the albino then started to tickle his customer's feet and underarms. By this point, Hinata had jerked awake and was laughing uncontrollably, struggling to project a couple 'stop's and 'why's. Komaeda was laughing just as much, if not more.

Finally, the taller man reluctantly let up. The brunette's words were mangled with wheezes and stray giggles.

"What ever happened-" gasp "-to letting me relax?!" Komaeda shrugged, his laughing fit still dying down. As he spoke, he had to wipe a few tears away and repress the urge to go into another.

"Sorry, Hinata-san. I couldn't help myself. It was quite uncalled for, so if you want, you don't have to pay the full price." Hinata smiled and shook his head.

"No, I think I really needed that actually. All the knots seem to be gone too. You gave me a massage AND a good laugh. Hell, I should probably pay you extra!" The two snickered once more. Before Komaeda could bring up the actual bill, Hinata spoke again.

"Hey, seriously man, you did wonders. Do you think we could maybe... Hang out sometime? We could get coffee or something. And I'm sure those kinks will be back in no time, so possibly I could even get a few home sessions? I'd pay you of course!" Oh shit wait, that sounds wrong. Both of their faces were tinted with pink. He feared Komaeda would call the police and get him arrested for who-knows-what, so Hinata made sure to clear himself up before that happened.

"I really do just mean massages at my place! Sometimes I can't get out of the house, so I was just putting that out there. Oh wow, I sound like such a perv, don't I, haha..." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, looking at the floor and moving to put his clothes back on. While Hinata was distracted, Komaeda took the chance to find a notepad and a pen. He waited for Hinata to be done and gave him the paper he wrote on.

"Here you go, Hinata-san. I would love to 'get coffee or something'. The massages would be free of charge - a deal I make for friends. Is that alright?" Hinata quickly nodded and wrote his number down too so the albino would know who it was, also setting down a bit more than what the original price was for this whole ordeal.

After realizing how late it was, they parted ways. As soon as Hinata got home, his phone buzzed with a text.

"sry, couldnt wait! how terrible of me...

Hinata grinned and thought, Maybe it isn't so bad Komaeda-san wasn't a model.

I hope this was enjoyable!
Btw, I don't ship Sonia and Hinata. To me, he has this attitude towards her like "wow, she's so pretty and royal, but I don't see myself dating her because of that", if that makes sense. I think she would be like a big sister to him honestly. What's their ship name, though... I swear, it better be "Sonata".

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