Chapter 1-Numb

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Katrina's P.O.V~
My room was dark, darker than the night sky without the moon or stars.
I wouldn't even consider this hell a room. It's more like a cell - keeping me confined for the rest of my life, the door locked up by two cruel guards.
Those guards are my parents. They constantly make me feel worthless. They belittle me, abuse me, until I beg for mercy, until I feel numb.
I constantly wish for the sweet, gentle embrace of death, hoping that one day, I'll pass, and escape my miserable life.
However, my wishes are never granted, and I must sit around and deal with the ruthless abuse.
??? P.O.V---
There they go again, those terrible parents. They would always unchain their poor child, giving her a small glimmer of hope, only to have that glimmer shut out as her 'parents' ruthlessly beat her.
However, that was quite a while ago. Now that hope doesn't exist. Her eyes have lost that sparkle that they used to have. She just takes the pain forced upon her.
The only emotions she can express are fear and sadness. I couldn't stand it. I needed to help, but with her parents always there, it seemed almost impossible.
The ends of my cloak flowed out behind me as I walked around the house. The house itself looked nice, despite the terrible things that happened inside, the terrible things that would forever be hidden from the public.
I peered into the window. The parents' eyes were focused on the television, the screen glowing bright and displaying a rather violent movie..
As expected.
I kept moving around the house, taking my time to analyze what was inside each room that the window allowed you to gaze into. In the kitchen, there was a board with key hooks put up. One hook had a silver, slightly rusted key ring with two keys. That seemed to be the keys to the girl's cell.
That was it. I would break in when the parents were fast asleep, and free the girl.

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