Research and Professor Moody

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I was in the library doing research on the Triwizard Tournament. Trying to find a way to stop Harry from competing. But the rules are absolute Harry has no choice but to compete.

I found out some more information on the tournament though. There are only three task and there will be some ball on Christmas eve. That explains why those in fourth year and above needed dress robes. Someone under fourth year could only go if an older student asked them.

No one will ask me, but I have the dress Aunt Petunia bought just encase. I got bored and started thinking about my first lesson with Professor Moody.

(flash back)

Ginny and I waited outside the classroom with the other students. Professor Moody arrived and let us all in. He did the role and we told him want we had covered so far. According to him we were behind on curses.

So he told us the three unforgivable/forbidden curses. That would win us a one way ticket to Azkaban. He demonstrated each curse on a water spider. I cringed when he used the killing curse. Remembering that Voldemort killed my parents using it.

Professor Moody then put us each under the imperious curse separately. It was my turn. I blocked my mind using Occulmency. He was surprise I didn't react at all and asked how I did that. I answered "I have been teaching myself occulmency for the past summer".

He was impressed and awarded me twenty points. Professor Moody also told me it took Harry four tries do block him out. I was pleased that I did better then my brother for a change in defense.


Someone sat next to me and I turned to see a scared Harry. "Dragons, that's the first task" he said quietly. I nodded already knowing this, because Charlie let me help care for the four dragons and their eggs. Hermione came over with a stack of books and we began reading them.

We were looking for a way for Harry to distract the dragon. Ron wasn't here, he still believed Harry put his own name into the Goblet of Fire. A lot of people in the school believed that including Draco. Hermione and I are the only ones who believe Harry when he says didn't put his name into the Goblet of Fire.

A few days later still no luck finding a simple spell Sirius told us about. Professor Moody walked over and asked to talk to Harry. Harry left while Hermione and I continued to look through the books. Suddenly Harry ran over and asked us to teach him how to do a summoning charm properly.

We agreed and went to Professor McGonagall's class to practice. She told Harry that he could use it during the tournament for practicing spells. An hour later Harry finally did it and he was ready for the first task tomorrow. Hermione and I wished him good luck, then we all went to bed.

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