Shelby's POV
|btw read authors note at the end|
I got out of the hospital. On the car ride home i looked out the window. When I got home I opened the door and all the lights were off. Then they turned on and Brandon, Ashton, Hunter, and Christine jumped up and yelled "Surprise!!!" I smiled and walked over and hugged all of them. When I hugged Hunter he whispered in my ear "Can we talked outside?" It sent shivers down my spine. I nodded. Me and him walked outside. We stood there for a second then he grabbed my waist and pulled me close. He then kissed me and I kissed back. We pulled away. "I missed that." He said I smiled. "Me too." I said "Shelby will you be mine....again?" He giggled "Of course I will." I said. Then we walked back inside. We mingled the rest of the night. When Hunter had to leave he kissed my cheek and said "Goodbye beautiful, love you." I kissed him really quick and said "Bye, love you too."The End
A/n plz read!!
OMG thank you for 260 reads!!!!!!! I have a good idea for a new book!!! Also I will be only posting on Monday's and Wednesday's from now on!! Ily guys!

RomanceShelby is bullied every day by the popular crowd. But comes home and tells her dad nothing is wrong. Hunter is part of the popular crowd. Hunter might start to get feelings for Shelby. But he better be careful with her because she's broken.