I secured a strand of hair to my head, neatening up the bun styled on top. Jay and the others were getting ready out side the bathroom, but in a matter of minutes, I would have to trust Ally not to ruin my face with makeup. I finished up with my hair and exited the bathroom.
Basil was facing Ally, her make up being put on. Jay was running around the room looking for the last bits of things to pull together for tonight. She walked into the bathroom and began on her hair. Poor Jay, she’s never been a big “stylish” person, but she would have to bear with it for one night.
“Your turn Clara,” Ally told me as Basil moved away. She had vibrant colors coating the areas around her eyes, picked to match her dress.
I sat down next to Ally and starred into her eyes. She began my makeup, telling me to close my eyes every now and then.
When she was finished, I checked myself with a small hand held mirror. Light purple fading into darker purple, a light ring of violet outing the top of my eye lid and mascara making my eye lashes darker than my usual light brown. Ally had put a bit of blush on my face and a light lip gloss. I admit, she did a great job.
“Thanks,” I tell her and grab my dress from my bed, changing in the closet.
When I came out, jay was out as well. I was surprised how well she wore that tattered dress. She made it look like it wasn’t as ripped as it really was, it just kind of fit in with her.
"Cameron. Ronnie. Coming after me,” Emery bursted in the door. We all looked up from what ever we were doing and focused on her.
"Just great," Jay sighed, and turned to finish up getting ready.
"I am fit to run with the buffalo," Basil exclaimed, smiling so widely, I wondered if she would rip her mouth.
There was a knock on the door and Jay let the boys in. The boys lined up in the room, each of them gawking at us, well mainly who ever their prom partner was, so no one was paying attention to me. Basil went over to Ronnie and she was all over him within minutes.
“Ronald the tie goes likes this, Ronald your hair doesn’t look right, Ronald, blah,blah,blah,”
I was quite confused as to why she was calling him Ronald, but the others looked like they were having a hard time not laughing at Ronnie's annoyance.
“Okay, okay Basil, I get it” He said, lightly pushing her off.
We kinda looked at each other for a few moments and Cameron looked over at me, partnerless. He looked as if he were gonna say something, then stopped, but let it out anyways.
"Since there are no other options..." Cameron started.
"No. I'd rather go with Brody, Massarotti!" I exclaimed, outraged. I couldn’t even think of the thought of going with Bum Face here to the Prom.
“Ok so you ready?” Matt asked everyone, breaking up the tension and we all nodded our heads, shuffling out the door. I was the last one out and I locked the door behind us, before joining the group again.
Small conversation was started as we walked down the hallways, everyone talking with their prom partner. Being the unfortunate me, I had no one. Emery appeared at my side, her bronze colored dress now cloaked in a bit of black and a steam punk twist put on it, no surprise.
“So, I see you don’t have anyone,” she said, stating the obvious. I nodded and gave her a faint smile.
“I’m an awkward duck, no guy in his right mind would like me,” I tell her.
“I’m sure that’s not true, there’s some one for everybody out there,” She replied.
“Yea, but not everyone meets that special someone, even if they do exist,” I tell her, grumpily.

Same Difference (Watty 2013)
Teen FictionJay is a bad girl. When she drives he aunt over the edge with her latest stunt, she's sent to boarding school. Will this bad girl rocker survive with a roommate who couldn't be more different? Will their personalities clash or will they find that op...