Book Enterprise (Part 1/5)

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I hear the front door open and close. Soon followed by a too familiar voice. "Babe, I'm home!" Yelled m boyfriend of three years, Patrick. "I'm in here!" I yelled from the office. I began typing away on document I was working on. I'm an author. Well, struggling author. I've sent my stories to many popular publishing companies, but none of them have accepted it. But I still have hope and encouragement. Patrick is my main encouragement.

I was distracted by my laptop, I didn't even hear the bedroom door open. "Hey, babe." I jumped when I hear Patrick's sweet voice. "Sorry, did I scare you?" Patrick chuckled. "Yes, P. You startled me." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "Sorry. So, how's work?" I sighed and rubbed my face annoyingly. "Stressful. None of the publishers replied yet. I think I might just quit and get a 'real job'." I said.

Patrick spun my chair around and put his hands on my shoulders. "No, no. Don't say that, Alexis. They'll respond, I promise." I shook my head. "Sure they'll respond, but they'll deny me." Patrick missed my forehead, moving down to my cheek, my neck, then back up until he reached my lips. "Patrick, I'm not in the mood for this." I said nudging him away. "It's okay, sugar. You just have to trust me with this. You're going to get a reply and it's going to be a good one. You just gotta have hope. Trust me, babe." He kept showering me with kisses. I couldn't avoid that.

"Fine. I trust you." He grinned and kept kissing my neck. "P, stop. That tickles." I laughed putting my hands on his chest. "Yeah? Does that tickle, baby? How about this?" He said as he licked the side of my face. I stood there frozen with a surprised/pissed off face. Patrick just laughed and backed away from me. "You're gonna get it, Stump!" I yelled as I got out of my chair to chase him downstairs. "Oh really? With your lack of athletic movement? Might as well start walking." I grinned and chased him downstairs.

We ran around the kitchen island. He ran back upstairs and slammed the door and locked it. I got a plan. "Ow! Ow! Patrick! I twisted my ankle. Please, it hurts so bad. Babe!" Patrick opened the door and ran to my side. "Which one, babe?" I pointed to my right ankle. "That one. Don't touch it." Patrick nodded. "It's okay, baby. Here let me carry you downstairs." I 'whimpered'.

While he was carrying me, I gave him a wet willy. "You little faker!" I laughed and jumped out of his arms. I ran into our bedroom and Patrick tackled onto the bed. "Gotcha, Princess." I laughed. Patrick leaned down and kissed me.


The rest of the day was a blur. Patrick and I didn't do much after that. I was still kinda sad about the publishers. Patrick tried his best to keep my mind off of it. And he's a sweetheart because of it.

I woke up the next day pretty drowsy. I didn't really want to do anything today, but today was Patrick day off. So I wanted to spend it with him. I reached to my left and the bed was empty. I sat up and wondered where he could be. Then I smelt the scent of fresh pancakes. I smiled to myself and rubbed my eyes. Before I got out of bed, I checked my email. Just incase. My hopes are still high.

I got a new email. I clicked on it and it read, 'Hello Alexis. We are from Book Enterprise and we noticed that you sent us a copy of your book, 'When Day Turns To Grey', and we really liked it. We'd like to publish it soon, if that's okay with you of course. We'd like to have a meeting with you soon. Please contact us. Sincerely, Book Enterprise.'

I couldn't believe my eyes. I rubbed my eyes over and over again to reassure myself. I read the note over and over again. I squealed.

I ran downstairs. "Patrick! Patrick, baby!" I yelled very loudly. Patrick jumped and dropped his spatula worriedly. "What?! What's wrong, baby?!" Patrick wrapped his arms around my waist. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his abdomen. I kissed him very hard. He was surprised at first, but he kissed back.

When we pulled apart, he was lost of words. "Can you wake up like this every morning?" He asked. I laughed and nodded. "It could be a possibility. Guess what just happened!" He paused for a moment. "You found out you're pregnant!" Patrick yelled. "What? No. We haven't even done it in- whatever never mind." I said laughing. "I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to say. But can we change that last one?" I grabbed his face. "Patrick! You're getting off topic! Book Enterprise wants to publish my book!" Patrick eyes widened as big as his smile.

"Oh my god! Baby! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" Patrick yelled holding me tight. "I know!" I kissed him and he kissed back. He set me on the counter and we kept our kiss session going. Then I smelt burning. Patrick was kissing my neck when I tapped his shoulder. "Patrick-" I said. "Mhm." He said keeping his kisses on my neck and firmly holding my waist. "Babe, the pancake is burning!" I yelled/giggled. Patrick hunger off of me and picked up the spatula from the ground. He wiped it off and flipped the burnt pancake.

He sighed and threw the pancake in the trash. "Well, we have enough for the both of us. Let's eat!" He said. I clapped and jumped off the counter. I went to the fridge and took out chocolate syrup, whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries, original syrup, and peanut butter. I set the thing on the counter and retrieved my plate of pancakes and ate next to Patrick.

Patrick raised his milk, and I raised my chocolate milk. "To your published-" I cut him off. "It's not published yet, P." He sighed. "Fine. To your soon to be published masterpiece." I rolled my eyes at Patrick overreacting. We clinked glasses and drank.

I called the company a few hours later and we scheduled a meeting in Two days in New York. I honestly can't be more proud of myself. "I'm so proud of you, babe. I knew this would happen! I love you so much!" He said as he reached over my shoulders and kissed me.

He was being very passionate. I loved it. He glided his tongue across my bottom lip and I accepted. "We should celebrate, baby." He said. I knew where he was going, but I decided to prance around the subject. "Wasn't pancakes and chocolate milk celebration enough?" Patrick shook his head. "Nope."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he tapped the bottom of my thighs to jump. So I did and wrapped my legs around him. Our lips were inseparable, like always. And things got heated and we ended up in the bedroom. I'm so glad we decided to celebrate more. Celebration is always good with Patrick...


I haven't listen in a while. I've been busy lately. And I still will be busy since band camp starts next week. Sorry. Please forgive me. Please be patient and I will try my best to publish. The Part number to this story may change. But this goes out to @_psycho_beauty_
Hope you liked it :))

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