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More Coldplay for the music choice! xD I love Chris Martin! Well enjoy this and please show your support! I'm always prompting you guys at the mo but whenever you do comment, you always say some lovely stuff!

Dedicated to MaxTheCat who died 18/12/2011, R.I.P




I seemed to drift in and out of dreams and consciousness for a very long time.

The steady movement of Nathan’s steps was like being rocked, and the sound of his breath with the song of birds was an everlasting lullaby in my head.

I faintly remembered seeing people mill around us, and then some time later, pain shooting up my ankle as fingers pressed against it, but otherwise, everything seemed to be a large blur in my mind, making my head hurt numbingly.

Monique tried to speak to me several times, drilling questions about the soldier we had left in the shrubs and the other two men but I eventually managed to shut her out, her words only making my head ache more and I rather rudely told her to go away. That shut her up thankfully and I was left in piece amongst my dreams.

When I finally peeled my eyelids open to greet the world, the skies were dark and littered with stars, each one shining brightly in the sky. The moon rested amongst them and shone brightly down on me, bathing me in white light. There was something melancholic about it and sadness welled in my gut.


I jumped slightly and looked over to see Maxime sat a few metres away, casually smoking a pipe and staring up at the moon. An almost dreamy expression had settled in his dark eyes and the lunar light reflected off them, making them sparkle beautifully.

“A waning gibbous y’know,” he said, putting the pipe down and rising slowly.

I nodded, glancing up at the moon once more.

“What time is it?” I asked, shivering slightly from the cold.

“Coming up to midnight I should think,” he replied, looking at me, “Sorry – we don’t have any tents set up.”

I pulled myself up into a more comfortable sitting position and glanced around at the several sleeping people huddled together around a fire that had long died out. I could just see the figures of two people at the edge of the area, walking around slowly on patrol. The moon shone briefly on one of their faces and eventually, I identified them as Coralie and Yannis.

“How is my ankle?” I questioned, more quietly this time.

“Very badly swollen, I was surprised it wasn’t broken. How on earth did you manage to do that to it?” He demanded, a disapproving look resting in his features.

“I fell off Gibus and well my foot got caught in the stirrup-“

“And you got dragged across the forest floor,” he finished, shaking his head and letting out a sigh.

I nodded again before pulling the blanket I had been given up and staring at my ankle. It was bandaged tightly but you could still see the swelling clearly.

“When will I be able to walk properly again?” I asked worriedly.

“You should rest it for a while, at least a week or two, but for some reason, I can’t see you doing that,” he growled in annoyance.

I smiled sheepishly at him and adjusted my blanket as a shiver ran up my spine.

The cold air tingled around me, making my nose run slightly and my eyes water whenever a breeze rushed into my face. My hands were cold and pale and my lips were chapped and sore.

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