Stiles POV
I have naps throughout the whole day. Whenever I wake up, I always find someone sitting in the chair beside me. The two of us will always have small talk for a while and laugh and joke around. By the end of the day, everyone in the pack has visited me once. Even Chris Argent has come to see me. Once it is dark outside and the last person has left, I go back to sleep again. Ever since the snapdragon entered my system, I have been extremely tired. Deaton says that it should wear off by tomorrow, at the latest. For some reason, I dream of being with both of my parents. The three of us swim happily through the water. Ben peaks out from some of the coral, a bright smile on his face. However, it is the nine year old version of Ben, since I have no idea what he looks like now. In the dream, I am my 17 year old self and my dad is as old as he is today. As for my mother, she looks young and has no wrinkles or grey hairs, so I guess it's the version of her from eight years ago. She turns towards me and holds my shoulders. "You have to be brave now, my baby boy. Be strong..." She says as everything around me fades away, including her. I wake up with a gasp and sit upright. I look around the room for a moment, feeling dazed. Why would I dream about something like that? I guess I miss them more than I thought, which is saying something. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and run a hand quickly through my hair for a moment.
Suddenly, Scott walks into the room with a smile on his face. I grin back at him. "Hi again." I say as cheerfully as I can
"Hey yourself." Scott chuckles as he tosses a t-shirt over to me.
"Thanks. I'll probably should have had a bath first so I don't get it dirty." I laugh.
"Do you think you can walk?" Scott asks curiously. As I shrug on the shirt, I swing my feet over the side of the metal bench. I gently lower myself to the ground. I take my first step, but immediately, I feel dizzy and faint. I stumble and almost fall over, but Scott catches me. "Thanks," I say breathlessly. Scott lifts me back onto the metal bench. I suddenly feel frustrated. I hate feeling weak and useless like this. "Are you okay?" Scott asks worriedly.
"Yeah, I guess I just feel a little dizzy," I sigh.
"I suppose you'll just need to stay overnight here again. I'm sure you'll be fine tomorrow." Scott assures me as he sits down in a chair by a bench.
"I hope so." I comment.
"Seriously though, what's wrong?" Scott asks curiously.
"I don't know, I guess the events with Daniel have just really shaken me up." I admit, looking down at my feet which are dangling over the metal bench. It's true. If Daniel could almost kill me that easily, how on earth could I get my dad back or defeat Daniel and his thugs, let alone Vanessa and her army? Scott stares at me for a few moments.
"I think that's a reasonable reaction to have. You were on the brink of death for crying out loud! I think you are allowed to feel scared." Scott tells me. I nod slightly, feeling a little better, but not fully.
"I don't know how I'm going to get my dad back. Daniel doesn't have him." I admit as I lie back down on the table, staring up at the pale white ceiling. "Did he tell you who has him?" Scott asks, trying to be helpful. I stay silent for a moment, feeling a strong urge to tell Scott everything. It would make things so much easier. But for whatever reason, I just can't find the strength to do it. I'm too worried about what he'll think of me, and it's not just about because of what I am. It is also fact that I have lied to him since the day we met. After a few more seconds of silence, I shake my head. "No." I respond without emotion, my heart beat staying steady. The silence that follows is almost sickening. You could cut the tension with a knife.
"Okay, it doesn't matter. We will find him, I promise." Scott finally breaks the deafening silence.
"Thanks, Scott. I'm glad that you're willing to help me." I smile, turning my head towards Scott. His eyes flash with anger and stands up. "I swear if that Daniel guy takes anyone else, I'll-" Scott begins angrily, but I interrupt him.
"No you won't. He isn't worth it." I sigh, hardly believing that I'm actually saying this. Daniel deserves to pay for what he has done, but if we do hurt or kill him, we are no better than that psychotic hunter. "I guess not." Scott mumbles, sitting back down in the chair again. He looks over at me with sympathy in his eyes. "What did he do to you? Did he tell you what he wants?" Scott asks. Memories of being trapped underground with Daniel suddenly flash before me. My mind leaves the animal clinic and is transported back to the scene. I hear Daniel taunting and teasing me before he sticks the needle into my neck. I flinch and shudder before I'm pulled back to reality. I watch as Scott stands up slowly and walks over to the metal bench. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asks in concern. I nod slowly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't feel like talking about that stuff yet." I answer, hoping that Scott gets my drift. He nods in understanding. "Fair enough." Scott replies, backing away a little.
"But if you ever want to say anything, I'll always be here, okay?" Scott assures me.
"Yeah, I know." I say with a small smile.
"Are you still tired?" Scott asks curiously.
"Not at the moment. I've slept throughout the day,"I shrug.
"But I'm sure another roll of fatigue will hit me soon." I add, rolling my eyes in annoyance. Scott chuckles.
"Well, I'll come and visit you tomorrow morning, alright? If you're feeling better, we can both go home then. If you're not, I'll stay a while and also come back the day after to check on you." Scott tells me.
"Sure, that sounds good to me." I shrug.
"I'll see you later." Scott continues as he starts to walk away from the room.
"Yeah, see you later." I reply as I watch him leave. I slowly sit up and look around me. I still feel weirded out by the dream I had before Scott arrived. Of all times, why would I dream about something like that now? Even if Scott and the others did know about my family secret, I don't think I would've been able to tell them about the dream because for one, it was really personal. The second thing is that it could be a warning that something bad is coming, and I don't want to bother my friends with that at the moment. Sure, it could've just been because I really miss my home and family, but I have a bad feeling that there is more to it than that. It feels like something terrible is about to happen, but I'm no psychic. What did Mom tell me in the dream again? Be brave... Be strong. I will try my best to be brave and strong, but it's the most heartbreaking moments that define people. When bad things have happened, I don't think I have been the most strong person I the world. I sigh in frustration. Why couldn't I just be a normal human being? Oh, right. I was never a human to begin with. I slam my hands down on the table. I feel so useless sitting here! I need to be doing something!
Suddenly, Deaton appears in the doorway. He frowns at me. "What's wrong, Stiles?" He asks as he walks towards me.
"I just feel so useless by lying here on this stupid table! I need to do something about this whole mess. I need to get my dad back. I need to help him and the kingdom defeat Vanessa. I need to find my friends from many years ago and make sure that they are okay. I need to keep my friends safe here. But I can't seem to do any of that!" I shout.
"I'm pathetic." I mutter under my breath, hoping Deaton doesn't hear me. Unfortunately, he does. He walks up to me and grips my shoulders and stares at me seriously. "Stiles, listen to me. You are not pathetic or useless. You have saved your friends in the pack. Multiple times. I'm sure there will be times ahead where you will save them again. Especially now that you're gaining a lot of control over your powers. As for your friends in Atlantia, I'm sure they're safe and hidden away from Vanessa. We will find your dad and the war in your kingdom will finally come to an end. Don't ever say you're pathetic or useless, because you're not." Deaton tells me. I nod slightly, a little surprised at Deaton's response.
Deaton sighs and looks away from me for a moment. When he looks back at me, he starts speaking again. "Look. Getting your father back and saving the kingdom will take time. Probably a lot of it. Until we have more information on the situation of Atlantia, it will be safer for us personally not to do anything. Your dad won't want you getting involved. That's why you and him came here in the first place. I promised that I would look after you and keep you safe, no matter what." Deaton explains.
"We can't just sit here and do nothing! My dad could be in trouble!" I protest.
"If there's one thing I know about John is that he can take care of himself. He's a tough cookie, he'll be fine, I promise." Deaton says. I really hope he's right about that. "If you really want to do something, perhaps we could find a way to contact another underwater kingdom that isn't too far away. Maybe their enforcements could help Atlantia's and overpower Vanessa." Deaton suggests. I consider Deaton's offer. Eventually, I nod.
"Yeah... I guess that could work." I answer slowly.
"We can start figuring that out once you're back on your feet. We also can't forget about your powers. You still have a bit to learn." Deaton says.
"Alright, that sounds fair." I answer with a nod.
"So, physically, how do you feel?" Deaton asks me.
"I guess I'm still feeling a little bit weak and sore, but other than that, I'm fine." I shrug.
"No more vomiting?" Deaton raises an eyebrow and smirks slightly. I shudder in disgust.
"No, thank goodness. That was horrific." I reply, scrunching up my nose slightly. Deaton chuckles.
"Alright, I'll leave you to rest now. I'll come back in a couple of hours to check up on you." Deaton informs me.
"But I just had a sleep!" I protest.
"I think it would be wise to have another one, just so you can regain your strength more quickly." Deaton advises.
"Fine." I sigh, rolling my eyes slightly. I lie back down on the table. Again.
"I'll see you later." Deaton says as he walks out of the room.
"Yeah. See you later." I mumble. I close my eyes, realizing Deaton was right. I am still tired. Within a couple of minutes, I'm fast asleep.