Leafy cracked his knuckles with a bit of relief,
now these cock-sucking femmy's will get off his case about making this video. It did make him taste this regretful twang in the back of his throat, that he knew would last for a while.All of the sudden, tweets of the same link came to Leafys attention. IT was the Onision reaction video.
He shook his head,
"Always have to 1up the other hm?" Leafy let out a small chuckle, not l-like.. like he finds Onisions actions adorable or anything! So jumpy to conclusions! Ha! Ha..Calvin watched the video, his perky attitude dropping. He quickly types in Onion boy's number , attempting to think out an apology,
The phone answered
"Look, hey Onision, I was just appeasing to m-my reptilian clique, please don't be upset, or w-whatever." His voice cracked as he spoke."Don't talk to me you,.. you reptilian fuck!" Onision replied, sobbing into the phone, before stuttering out an angry and sad
"H-hissss-sss..""Oni-chan please-."
His cheeks grow red from embarrassment. He wasn't supposed to say that! His brain wanted to say onion boy but his heart told him otherwise.
"W-what.. did you- you just.."
Onision was sniffling and speechless, but so was Calvin.
"M-meet me at the NASA museum in 15 minutes." Calvin finally sputtered out, hanging up the phone.
Onision was in shock and completely flustered,
"S-shit I gotta get ready!"