Chapter One

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"This silent house,
filled with screaming.
Bloodstained walls,
No hearts are beating.
Monster lurk,
lets play with fate.
I wonder why
so filled with hate.
In this house,
No one to trust.
I can only survive
by my bloodlust."

Welcome To The Horror Show
I gasped, jerking upright. I had felt like I was falling. I grabbed my head. It hurt so much and I didn't know why. I looked at my clothes, and frowned.
I didn't remember pulling on a long sleeve, shoulder hugging grey shirt. I was wearing a black bra, the straps were showing. I was wearing regular jeans with rips up the sides. I looked around in the room I was in. I was sitting on a rickety old bed that creaked every time I moved.
The walls were bare, except for a cracked mirror over a singular chest of drawers. Cautiously, I stepped off the bed and walked over to the mirror. It was cracked pretty bad, but I could make out a few of my features. I had shoulder length brown hair with bangs across my forehead. My eyes were green, like leaves, and my face was speckled with freckles. I scrunched up my nose, then looked down on the desk. An old cassette tape recorder was lying there. Frowning, I picked it up and pressed down one of the buttons. There was a 'click' and the recorder started to play.

"Greetings, new resident. I am Ring Leader. I'm sure you're confused to where you are right now. You have done a terrible thing, and your punishment is to stay in my House of Midnight. I will provide everything you need; food, clothes, shelter, toiletries and such. You aren't the only resident living in this house, by the way. You will have to share all of the houses facilities. There are rules that you must to go by. However, it's much funnier for you to learn them yourself. Have fun staying alive."

The button clicked back up again, and I stood there with the player in my hand, wondering what on earth I had done to end up here. But, I didn't know what 'here' was, other then what the so called Ring Leader told me.
The House of Midnight.
Was it a jail? A lunatic asylum? I didn't know.
Sighing, I sat the cassette back down on the table. I turned around and leaned on the desk. I stared at the door, thinking. I tried to remember what I had done wrong, but nothing came to mind. The only thing that I COULD remember was.... my name. I think. It was a name.
Mustering up courage, I took a deep breath and walked over to the bedroom door. I hesitated before I turned the knob and opened it.
I found myself in a corridor. It was empty, and it had a dozen other bedroom doors along it.
On my left, at the end of the corridor was a big, thick heavy door. On my right, at the end, was an archway to another room.
I heard talking, murmurs, and saw flickering light. Sick with curiosity, I went to the archway.
This room was a lounge, with a flickering fireplace, a few scattered couches and broken chairs. People were there too. They looked about my age, maybe a little older. A few were chatting on the couch, others were playing cards on a table on the far side of the room. Nobody looked at me twice, except for a girl who walked past me. She stopped, walked backwards and frowned at me. Then her face lit up.
"Oh! You must be new." She smiled at me, and I gave a nervous smile back.
"Umm.. Yeah.."
The girl laughed, and she held out her hand.
"I'm May."
May had pale skin, long blond hair that hung over her shoulders, and she had sky blue eyes.
I shook her hand.
"I'm Lillian."
May smiled again, and looked around.
"Well, I should give you tour."
She grabbed my arm and dragged me off.
"That is lounge no.1." She said as we left Lounge No.1 through another archway.
The next room May told me was Lounge No.2. The only difference between the two rooms was more people in it because of the pool table.
May showed me Bathroom No.1 and No.2, which were both big rooms with 5 curtained showers and a great big sink and mirror on the other side of the room. She showed me corridor No.2, which was where the other 'housemates' rooms were. My room was in corridor No.1.
The last room she showed me was the kitchen, and only two people were there.
One was a boy with short brown hair. He was sitting at a table, reading a book. The other boy was tall, with white hair and stunning purple eyes.
He was standing at the kitchen bench, spinning a pair of scissors on the surface. May suddenly froze, and her body went rigid.
"This is kitchen No.1." She said quickly. "Let's move on."
As she pulled me across to the next room, another kitchen, I noticed that the boy with the white hair was eyeing me. Suddenly he stopped spinning the scissors and walked over to behind the boy reading. I stopped, planting my feet. May tugged at my arm.
"We need to get out of here." She hissed.
My eyes opened wide as I watched the white haired boy lift the scissors up to plunge into the other boys neck. I tore off from May and leaped over the table, crashing into the white haired boy. We fell to the ground and I landed on top of him.
He tried to stab me with the scissors, but I snatched them out of his hands.
"Get off of me." He said growled quietly.
"You were going to kill him!" I yelled. "What were you thinking?"
People from the other rooms were gathering into the kitchen, whispering and murmuring.
"Get off of me, you idiot, it's almost midnight!"
I looked down at the boy, and blinked. He shoved me off and snatched up the scissors.
The boy who was reading had ran to the kitchen bench, cowering behind his book.
"White, don't do it." May said. "He's only a newbie, let him live for a few more days!"
"Five minutes to midnight." White said.
He was standing in front of the boy, the boy was crying and shaking.
"P-please, l-let me live for a f-few more days, please!"
White opened the scissors, and without hesitating he slit the boys throat. The boy screamed and cried, which turned to bloodied gurgles. Blood splashed onto Whites clothes, but he didn't seemed fazed by it. In fact, nobody seemed fazed by, only annoyed.
I stared in horror, my hand clapped to my mouth as I watched the boy die in a twitching, gurgling, bloody mess. White walked up in front of me, and he glared down. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear.
"To play this game you have to kill or be killed."
He stood back up again, and smirked at me.
"Welcome to the horror show, sweetheart. This is the House of Midnight."

The House of MidnightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant