Chapter Five

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No More Rules

I dreamt that night. But they didn't feel like dreams. They felt too real. They were memories. Memories of blood splattered classrooms, of sharp, menacing tools, of gunfire and screams and of bodies, all piled in a corner, with me sitting atop of them.
I woke up with a start again, my eyes snapping open and my breathing frantic.
I was facing away from the door, away from White, whom I felt gaze at me. It made my skin prickle. I heard his footsteps, and I froze, imagining him with a knife in his hand, ready to stab into my back or exposed neck.
I felt him sit on the bed, and I braced myself for the pain. But I felt no sharp stab. Instead, I felt his fingers brush my hair from my face, as if he was covering up my neck from other imposters.
I rolled around, and he froze, his fingertips inches from my face. He flushed red and looked away, lowering his hand. "Get up." He mumbled.
I sat up and yawned, and he got off the bed. I grabbed my knife on the desk and followed White out of the room and into the corridor.
We both froze because people were staring at us. White glared at them all and they rushed away.
"I've never had that many people look at me directly since the first time I killed someone." I heard White say.
I pushed past him and walked over to my door, which was now unlocked. I opened it and found my clothes sitting on my bed. I grabbed them and headed for the showers, only to be greeted by May.
"What were you doing with HIM last night?" She hissed, gripping my arm.
"Long story short I got locked out of my room and Monster was out. His room was the only one unlocked."
May raised en eyebrow.
"I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. Not while your wearing THAT night dress."
I looked down at the dress and sighed. We had a shower, I got dressed in my comfortable jeans and long sleeve shirt, and we went to the mess hall. As I sat down with my friends, I thought about my dream that I had. But I was convinced it was a memory. But why so much blood? Why so many dead bodies?
And now, watching Marcus and Izzy and Becca and May talk, they were suddenly becoming very familiar.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a knife flew through the air past my head, barely missing my ear.
I stood up, and everyone stared at me, then at White. He was standing on the other side of the other table, at his chair, everyone as far away from him as they possibly could go. He had thrown it.
I looked at him, eyes wide, heart pounding in my throat. He smirked, then walked out of the mess hall.
"Holy SHIT Lillian!" Marcus gasped. "Did you piss him off in bed last night or...?"
I blushed, but I felt angry.
I left the table, Marcus and May calling out for me. I took my knife out of my pocket, and went round the corner to Lounge Room No.2. Suddenly, I was attacked.
Not by White, but another boy. He was screaming and hissing and gagging, a rope was wound tightly around his neck. He had a kitchen knife, and he slashed at me. I stumbled back, and cried out when the blade cut my arm, ripping through my sleeve. I gritted my teeth, and ran to the side, kicking the deranged boy to the ground.
Someone else came up from behind me and wrapped their arm around my neck, hissing in my ear, and pressing their arm tight against my throat.
I screamed for help, and several people ran from the mess hall, only to watch. Marcus helped me though, and he ripped my attacker from behind off of me. Without thinking I spun around and stabbed the attacker in the chest with my knife, and Marcus let go of him and he slumped to the ground.
I stared at the body in horror, and Marcus and Izzy and Becca and May stared at me too, eyes wide and full of terror. The boy that I kicked to the ground suddenly screeched and jumped on me again, and we both went crashing to the ground. 
I screamed, and I must of arched the knife in my hand upwards because next thing I knew I felt warm, sticky liquid on my face and the smell and taste of metal was everywhere.
My eyes still closed, I tried to take the knife out of the boys neck but instead dragged it down, still deep in his flesh, splurging more blood and gore onto me. Someone pushed the boy off, and I opened my eyes, crying, and saw White.
I jumped up off the ground, trying to wipe the tears from my face but instead smearing blood all over. Everyone was staring at me, terrified to move.
No one talked, it seemed like no one dared to breath. I tried to say something, say that I didn't want this, that I didn't want to kill anyone.
But I had.
I had stabbed someone in the chest, right in the heart. I looked down at the boy who jumped me. I knew him. He was in the same Corridor as me. His name was John. And I had stabbed his throat and dragged the blade down his chest. Looking at the knife in my hands, I dropped it, horrified with myself. I felt awful. Sticky and warm and filthy and a murderer.
I ran.
Somewhere. I didn't even have to push past anyone, they all parted out of my way. I left bloody footsteps on the wooden planks. I ran to the bathrooms. I ripped off the curtain to the first shower and screamed.
A body was slumped against the tiles, limbs severed from its body.
I stumbled to the next one.
I didn't even scream when I saw someone being hung from the shower head.
Every single shower cubicle had a body in it, all except for one. The last cubicle.
I turned the single handle to make the water run and stood under the stream, not bothering to strip. I frantically scrubbed at myself, trying to get the blood off my clothes and out of my hair.
Sobbing, I sank down to the ground, letting the water run over my hair and my clothes, and I watched red trickle down the drain.
What had just happened?
White had thrown that knife as a joke, surely. And then those boys attacked me and then.... I killed them.
I sobbed into my knees, bringing them tight to my chest. My head hurt, and I started to...remember something. It was only fragments at first, and then it was all too much for me to bare.

'I was walking down a corridor. A school corridor, I think. Yes, it was. There were lockers and posters and bulletin boards.
The halls were deathly quiet. No one was there. The only sounds were my echoing footsteps. I saw my reflection in a glass trophy case. I had the hair I have now, and I was wearing a school uniform. I was splattered with blood but I didn't seem to mind it. My eyes were so different. They were filled with evil insanity.
I turned to a white door, and entered the room it was concealing.
It was a classroom, except all the chairs and desks were pilled up on either sides of the room. In the middle of the room were two girls, each tied to a chair. They had cloths gagging their mouths, and each one looked scared and had teary eyes. I think I smiled at them when they whimpered as I entered the room. I stood in front of them, leaning against a teachers desk.
I looked to the first girl.
She was fat. Very fat. A piggy face with piggy little eyes. She wore the school uniform, except her face was caked with makeup. She was gross to look at.
The second girl was skinnier. She was rather fit looking. She had pretty blond hair and pretty blue eyes. She wore glasses.
I leaned to her, and took her glasses off. I popped the lenses out, then broke them in half. The glass cracked, and some of it shattered, but I didn't care. I stood in front of the girl and stuck a shard in her eye.
She screamed and kicked about by I didn't care. I cut off her hair, then gouged her eyes out with a Bunsen burner. I stabbed her chest, digging the scissors down deep into her lungs. She coughed and spluttered, then I slit her throat. She died.
I went to the fat girl, who's makeup had washed away with her tears and sweat and snot. I frowned in disgust at her. I slid the blade of the scissors across her face, leaving a bloody trail. She squealed like a pig.
I undid the gag and she screamed, but I slapped her face and put a finger to my lips. Her lips shut tight together, but they trembled. I pried her mouth open with my fingers and grabbed her tongue. She screamed and squealed when I cut it off with the scissors and threw it to the ground. It flopped there, and it was gross. I stabbed her eyes out, broke her jaw and stabbed her in the heart.
I walked away from that classroom, leaving the corpses there for the teacher to find the next day.'

The memory confused and horrified me. I sat in the shower, crying until I thought my heart and mind would break. I was still soaked with blood and water and probably my tears.
I heard the bathroom door open, and I looked up and saw White crouching down in front of me. His expression was one of amusement.
"You're already going mad, Lillian." He said.
I shook my head.
"I didn't want to... I didn't mean.." I chocked on my words and broke down sobbing again.
Whites face softened and he knelt down on his knees. He grabbed me and pulled me to him.
I hugged him and cried and hugged him tighter and cried harder.
"You should dry yourself and pull yourself together." He said softly. "People are starting to remember about their other life. They all want to get you for some reason. I'm not sure why. Ring Master also made an announcement. He said that we are all to play a game."
I sat up and looked up at him.
"What are the rules?" I sniffed, wiping my face.
Whites face became blank.
"There are no rules anymore. It's every man for himself."

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