"Ehhh.. Why !?" I stutter as i sit up in my bed. Head still woozy from last night. I lean over to my night stand and grab some Advil. Maybe this will help So i take a few. I lean up and swing my feet off the side of my bed to stand. Wooo I grab my nightstand to help me balance. Straight to the shower. Yess hot water cascading down my body would really be of help at this moment.
Walking out of my bathroom drying my hair i feel much better. Gaw what a good shower can do:) Checking the texts on my phone from last night I start to remember the party. Well at least I had fun. Jax and me laughed all the way home from Hollys when we left. Inebriation makes everything funny. There was a text from Jax : "What a party huh!? Well just txtin to let u kno i made it home in 1 piece! Night man see ya tomorrow!:))" Haha yeah it was stellar. I text back a reply and head to eat breakfast.
Nobody is home as usual. So i make a bowl of lucky charms and sit at the island in the kitchen to munch. What was up with that creep last night? I mean he was there when we showed and and when we left. Probably just one of Hollys parents friends asked to keep an eye on the party. But why be so sneaky about it? But i bet if holly knew her parents were keeping tabs on her she would be pissed. So I guess theres a need to be sneaky... I finish off my bowl as my mind keeps wondering. Oh well I told jax lastnight today we could hit up the mall and maybe catch a movie. So i check my phone and he has already replied: "Sammy im heading to mall meet me over there! I want to catch the next showing of that new horror movie Carrie, But hurry cuz it starts in 30 mins" I put my empty bowl in the sink, grab me keys and run out the door.
I pull up and find a parking spot next to jax. His car next to mine looks like it belongs in a car show. "Hey Jax! Did i make it in time??" I say as i race to get out of my car and lock the doors. "Just in time man! The showing starts in 10 minutes" He says as we hurry our way into the mall and to the theater.
"That will be $15.00 and you guys said thats for Carrie right?" the lady at the ticket desk said as she printed and handed us our tickets. I just nodded my head and said thank you as we exchanged money for tickets. We hurried into our seats after getting the essentials. Popcorn, candy, and the biggest soda the theater sells. You cant go to a movie without them. And the movie began. We have such perfect timing!
Halfway through the movie i have to pee so super bad. Should have thought about that before we sat down.. "Hey jax" I whisper to him as i tap his hand. He looks over at me sticking a piece of popcorn in his mouth. "What!? this is the good part where they dump blood all over her." "I have to pee watch my stuff please?" I try to say as quiet as possible but i still got a few "SHHH!'s" from the crowed. He nodded in return eyes still glued to the tv screen.
"Ahh...." I say to myself as i wash my hands. Much better. I dry them with a paper towel and head out the door. Might as well get us another drink while im out here. Jax pretty much sucked it down.
"One large Dr.Pepper please. And uhh, go ahead and give me some of those bars of Almond Joys too" i say as i scan the shelves for more goody's. "$5.23 mam" the cashier says back. I hand her the money, grab my change and stuff. I turn and start back towards the door our movie was playing in when i saw him....
He was sitting in the pool/darts room, staring at me, and drinking a mix drink at the bar. Oh-My-Fucking-Gawhd! Why is he here?! I swear at this point im freaking smooth out. Gather your thoughts! Just try to get back to Jax. I dont think his man was house watching for Hollys parents. And im getting scared.

The tradition
HorrorSamantha Wright was a normal 17 year old girl with a normal teenage life. That is until she was kidnapped!! Taken from the small town of gardenia. When all hope is gone to her, handcuffed and gagged in a smelly old basement of a shed. Somebody has f...