chapter 14

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He stared down at me before his hands came down ripping my shirt and jeans off leaving me in my thin panties and bra  but he didn’t let them stay on for long he trailed kisses down my body I was panting from lack of oxegent and want he ran his fingers over my wet folds he plunged his fingers into me slowly at first but when he saw my face he picked up speed not long after I climaxed screaming his name

“please Dayton please I need you now” I growled pulling him onto me by his hair my wolf was in full control

“slow down love I will take my time with you I'm not intressed in a quick fuck and go” he said

“please Dayton I don’t want slow right now I want fast and hard” I pleaded with him

“just this once will I be rough with you after this we do it my way” he growled

“yes whatever just do it all ready” I begged without another word he trusted into me with fast hard strikes plunging into me with ferise thrust he had me by my hips bringing me to meet each of his thrust he lowered his face to my breast and bite down on my nipple hard making me scream out he flipped us over so I was on top

“if you want it you will have to work for it” Dayton said with a evil smirk on his face he was acting different it was a little scary I place my hands on his chest and rotated my hips with a slight bounce he let one of his hands slide up my side from my hip to my nipples he pinched my nipple with his fingers I let my head drop forward and moaned I laid my head in the crock of daytons neck

“please I want you to fuck me” I moaned

“I will not just fuck you like some common whore you are to special to me when will you relies that  love” he growled angeryly

I got off him and grabed my close off the floor and ran to the bathroom I slammed the bbathroom door and locked myself in I slide down to the floor trying not to cry was I really acting like a common whore I blocked out all of his yelling for me to open the door and that he was sorry I just got dressed and climed out the window we were on the second story but that didn’t stop me from dropping down I ran to my car in the front of the house climed in and speed off I wasn’t going home but I was going to my quiet spot the only ones that know about it our my brothers I only go there when I'm stressed out

I turned the radio on high my phone kept ringing and I knew it was Dayton ut I just need to think he pissed me off he suppose to e my mate yet he couldn’t tell I was in heat back there

Trying to forget about Dayton for the moment I sang along with luke bryan that’s my kinda night

I pulled up to my little area climbing out of my truck it was a short walk to the run down tree house my brothers and I call ours I climbed up and just sat there going throw the many text I got since I left daytons land mostly he was sorry and wants to know where I'm at my brothers wont tell him were I am that kinda stuff I'm thankful they wouldn’t tell him I needed him to stay away until my heat has past

-          Davis as alpha I am commanding you to get alpha Dayton off my land and to make sure he doesn’t come back on until you are told other wise- I ordered

-          -yes alpha-

When nightfall came I decited to head home davis had gotten Dayton off my land but I had many angry text from him he was mad I kicked him off my land

But it was my land I reached my house all the lights were off I went throw the back door but was stopped by my dad

“so what happed” he asked he was leaning against the door way

“he…i… I went into heat” I muttered

“so why did you run” he asked

“ugh this is so embaracing dad” I groaned

“just tell me”

“he didn’t relies I was in heat and told me that he wouldnt fuck me like some common whore” I snapped

 “dumb ass” dad muttered

“I'm going to bed” I muttered feeling embaraced

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