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"Tyler?" Josh asked. It's been a couple days and he was getting better. His alpha initiation is today.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Will you help me?" He asked as he struggled with buttoning his shirt correctly. I laughed a little and helped him. I had to unbutton his shirt. I saw his toned chest and realised how hot and toned his body was. "Gonna stare any longer?" He snapped me out of my trance and I blushed.

I buttoned his shirt and he thanked me. I put his tie on him and tried to fix his wild hair. "Okay. You're ready." I whispered. He smiled and we went to the main room. I sat on the floor in the corner and he got initiated at Alpha. We found his moms body a day later. We still don't know who did it.

They finished the ceremony and I smiled at him. He smiled back, then went back to talking to pack members Jaime and Vic. They're mates and almost always together. My mate will probably reject me because I'm an omega.

We started partying and I disappeared to my room. I just played with my ball and then I heard someone come in. "Hey." I heard Josh said.

"Hey, Mr. Alpha." I replied and smiled. He smiled and came beside me.

"Why are you up here?" He asked.

"Parties aren't my thing. Sorry Josh. But congratulations." I said. He smiled.

"You turn eighteen in three weeks. Who do you think your mate is?"

"I have no clue. But they'll probably reject me because I'm a fucking omega. No one wants a weakling. After all, I'm pretty useless." I said. I threw my ball into the corner and sighed.

"I don't think you are. You keep the house clean and you make us food. You're a lover, not a fighter." He said.

"But if it comes down to it, I will rip someone's fucking throat out." I mumbled. "But you're not my mate, so it doesn't matter. I'll just be alone forever."

"No you won't. I promise."

"But you turned eighteen three years ago. You haven't found your mate and you would've told me if it was me."

"I can't. It's against moon goddess instructions." He replied. I pouted.

"Just a hint. Please?" I said and gave him my puppy dog eyes.

"I can't. Or I'll lose my mate." He said after a minute. I pouted more and laid down. He smiled and laid down with me. Josh put his arms around me and I smiled. I cuddled into him and he held me.

"I hope my mate is as perfect as you." I whispered. He rubbed my back and pulled me closer.

"I hope so too. And if they don't treat you right, you tell me." He said.

"Of course." I mumbled. "So this means you're not my mate?" I asked.

"I already told you, I can't tell you."

"This is gonna kill me."

"That's how I felt and still feel." He whispered. I sighed and he trailed his fingers along my thigh. I smiled and someone opened my door. We quickly separated and Jack looked at us. He laughed and walked back out.

"I found him! He's gonna fuck the omega!" He yelled. I turned beet red as he continued yelling things.

"I'll be back, little omega." He said and got up. He left and I grabbed my ball. I started throwing it again.

It's how I calm down and relieve stress. I've been doing it since my parents died. "I'm not fucking the omega!" I heard Josh yell.

I got up and walked downstairs. "What the hell is going on with you children?" I asked.

"Shut up." Carter said.

"Don't say shit that isn't true. We aren't sleeping together or doing anything wrong. So shove it up your ass and leave us alone." I said and walked into our backyard.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my short hair. My short legs carried me through the woods and to a secret place I know. I sat on the edge of the pond and pulled my knees into my chest. I cried into my legs and shut the world out. I'm tired of everyone making fun of me. I'm tired of being the small one and the one people think they can throw around like a rag doll.

I felt two arms around me and they kissed my cheek. I pushed them off and they scoffed. "I was just trying to help you. But youre gonna be an ass, so fuck you Tyler." Josh said.

"No. Josh, I'm sorry. I didn't know who it was and I freaked out. Josh, please. You're the only friend I have." I pleaded.

"Should've thought of that." He said and got up. Josh walked off and I started crying again.

I don't have any friends. What's the point anymore? I'll just become a lone wolf and be alone forever. It was gonna end up that way anyways. Who wants an omega? No one. I'm just a piece of shit. I'll always be lonely. No matter what. Josh left. My parents are dead. My old friends completely left. I just want friends and a mate. But moon goddess didn't give me that life.

I got up and started walking through the woods. I didn't know where to, I was just walking. I eventually stopped and climbed a tree. I got as comfortable as I could and slept for the night.

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