Chapter 6: The New Kid

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Chapter 6: The New Kid

Max's P.O.V:

  "I hate everyone", I grumbled to myself as I rubbed my eyes, heading towards my locker.

Tony was already waiting there with two frappes in his hands.

My eyes lit up and I rushed over to him.

He grinned knowingly and handed me my cup.

I took a huge sip through the straw and moaned in satisfaction.

"You are the best", I said, squeezing Tony.

"I know", he laughed, hugging me back.

"So did your Aunt kill you when you got home?", he asked.

"Nah. Ma just made me do the laundry since she knew Mama Perry had already took care of it", I shrugged.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I live with my Aunt. But I call her Ma, because she's basically my mother.

My Dad and Mother were both successful doctors, but unfortunately they died in a car accident, coming back from work together.

I was only about two when it happened so my Aunt took me in. And I couldn't be more grateful.

"What are you doing after school?", he asked.

"You mean what are we doing after school", I corrected with a grin.

"Yeah, so any ideas?", he asked.

"We'll figure it out", I shrugged just as the bell rang.

I hugged Tony goodbye and went to my first class, which was English.

I walked in and took my seat in the middle of the classroom.

Mrs.Arseo took attendance and the door opened. In walked a guy with messy brown hair that swept over his forehead and nerdy glasses.

"Ahh. You must be West. I'm Mrs.Arseo", the teacher said.

The guy, West, gave her a polite smile and she pointed to the empty seat next to me.

"You can sit next to Max over there. Perhaps she can be your guide?", she asked, looking at me with a questioning smile.

"Sure", I shrugged.

An excuse to be late to my classes?

I'm down.

West thanked her and walked towards my table, then gave me a small, yet charming smile and sat down next to me.

"Hi", he greeted.

"Hey. Can I see your schedule?", I asked.

He nodded and pulled out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket.

He unfolded it and handed it to me.

My eyes scanned over it and I passed it back to him with a friendly grin.

"We have first, third and fifth together", I said.

"Cool. Thanks for offering to be my guide, by the way", he said, with a cute smile.

"No problem", I smiled back and then looked towards the front of the class, paying attention.


"Tony! Meet West. West, this is my best friend Tony", I said as I lead West to our lunch table.

He was happy thay I offered him to sit at our table.

"Hi", West said, shooting Tony his charming smile.

Tony shot me a weird look but smiled and quietly greeted West.

West and I sat across from Tony and set our trays down.

"So tell me more about Washington", I said.

In third period, we had a substitute so we could move around and talk as long as we finished our work.

I sat with West and he told me more about himself. I learned he was from Washington and loved playing the drums and running.

"Well it snowed alot in winter. My family would always go outside and have big snowball fights", he smiled.

"That's really cool. I haven't seen snow in forever", I said, eating a chip.

"Maybe one day you can come with me to visit up there?", he asked, blushing at his own question.

I bit my lip, finding it cute, and gave him a smile.

"That sounds really fun", I agreed, and his smile widened.

West and I kept talking like old friends throughout lunch, and I couldn't help but notice Tony was silent.

I also felt his eyes boring into my head as I talked to West.

For some reason, as I felt him stare at me with an aura of...I don't even know, he just seemed sad.

But it made my stomach twist and turn, but not in the good way.

I guess when your best friend is sad, it makes you sad too.

I pushed the feelings away and continued talking to West as the bell rang.

We stood up and threw our trash away together.

I was walking out of the cafeteria with West when Tony suddenly tugged at my arm.

"We have the next class together. Aren't you gonna walk with me?", he asked.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm West's guide for today, or until he gets used to the school. I'll see you in class though", I gave him a quick hug and walked away with West.

As I walked, I felt Tony's eyes on me, sending an uncomfortable feeling rushing through me.


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