They Just Never Learn

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The night passed slowly. Snape worked on the essays and when that was done he went to his personal lab, he left the door opened so that Potter could see him. He wasn't going to take a chance that Potter would wake and find him gone. After the day he had already experienced, he really didn't need any more bruises or pain. Lucky for him, he always had pain potions available, he wished people would listen to him the first time he said something. He was getting tired of repeating himself. Well, at least Potter listened to him when it counted, he thought. The boy kept surprising him.

He found his robe and began to cut out the parts that had the potion. He went to the area where Potter had bitten his shoulder and saw the venom was still there. He inhaled and slowly exhaled, this was going to be a lot of work. He didn't recognize it just from looking at it, or seeing the texture. Another set of tests would have to be done. He would also need to find out what items his snakes had tossed into the cauldron. He hoped they would remember. He looked at Potter's clothes and began to cut them up too.

He let out a low sigh of frustration as he looked at what was left of his robe, it had been one of his favorite robes. He was going to have to start buying robes, as the one he was wearing currently was also in very sad shape thanks to Dumbledore and his numerous displays of stupidity. Two robes in two days. He wasn't looking forward to whatever the great idiot would pull tomorrow.

He put the pieces into jars and began to make the base potion that they were originally making. It was a simple Cough Potion for the Infirmary, after all, it was still winter and cold and flu season wasn't done. He made five cauldrons of it as he was thinking he was going to need a lot. He looked at his clock and realized it was now close to midnight. He began to clean up when he noticed Potter was standing the in the doorway. "I am almost done."

"Cough Potion. Testing for what was done?" Potter asked. "The venom?"

"Yes." He knew Potter could smell the ingredients. "You want to tell me what Granger and Weasley were saying?"

"It was interesting. Granger was telling Weasley that they would still be in Gryffindor as the old goat would make sure of it as he original did. She was also telling Weasley how to fight with the hat about the sorting. It seems she knew he didn't fit into any house, and the hat thought it was the least dangerous house for Weasley to be in. That was what she was telling him after the resorting, she really isn't very subtle."

"Least dangerous? That is interesting." Snape stated.

"Not surprising. Puffs are loyal, look at the jerk Zacharias Smith. He is a bully yet no one does a thing because they are loyal, he also thinks he is the heir, braggart. Weasley has no traits that would allow him into other houses, so Puffs is where he went." Potter paused "Granger did say something interesting. She said something about how they would still be able to get paid, and that the old coot would make sure we were together."

"You don't think he is still paying them?"

"Wouldn't be surprised. I know she has some of the Potter and Black books. I will be able to finally get them back tomorrow night. It does make me wonder what else they have been given."

"After all the things you have informed me about regarding Granger I am wondering myself. Why is he giving her so much? I want to know how she is able to cast spells and not get it registered at the Ministry." Snape asked, there were a lot of questions regarding the know-it-all. Things weren't adding up in regards to her.

"I believe Lucius would enjoy taking care of that situation. If she has no trace, he should be able to find it out. If Granger doesn't have a trace it would also give Fudge another paranoid fit about Dumbledore wanting to take over. I want to also see about getting some of her blood. She smells off. She doesn't smell like a real witch smells." Potter said.

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