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Yes i know some if you will see it as a cliff hanger. But if not that's fine as well either way i still hope you all enjoyed it.

If any of you want it to be a cliff hanger and for me to make a sequal comment and vote to let me know. And if i see that there are quiet a few requests than i will make a sequal.

So if you do, i insist on commenting and voting if you want there to be a sequal. And if so here are some idea's:

Jacob and Leah's imprinting.

Return of the Cullens.

New Beginnings (Jacob, Leah & the twins).

So let me know if you want a sequal and which title do you wish for me to use to make a sequal if so. Or if you have any ideas about a sequal title, if there are enough votes and comments, than let me know your idea(s) in the comments.

PS. If i get at least 20 or more Votes/comments than i will make a sequal.

;) :) ;D :P :D

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