Chapter 5

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  "Is she okay?" A young voice sounded in your ears.

"Of course she's okay, she only feinted." A slightly familiar deep voice spoke next.

"You idiot! It's your fault she feinted." Another one growled

"Alright, how about we just calm down, she's waking up." A calmed voice hushed them. With a groan you slowly opened your eyes, seeing 4 blurry faces hovering above yours.

"Should we change back?" The younger voice spoke again.

"Wouldn't matter now." The calm voice responded, sitting up your vision slowly began to focus, letting you see the 4 faces clearly. One was the tan, dark haired stranger from before, his gold eyes watching you closely, glancing to the young voice one it was a boy, maybe 3 years younger than you with dark locks and matching wide,onyx eyes. A familiar scar under his left eye and a larger one on his exposed chest, your wide eyes took notice of the black horns resting in his hair, the pair of black wings on his back and flicking tail behind him .

The other voice, the one that growled, was a well-built man roughly your age. He was tanned skinned with medium length raven locks and onyx eyes like the younger boy some freckles on his frowning face. He also had a set of horns but his were curved, wings having a reddish tint to them. The last stranger was also tall and well-built with blonde hair and friendly blue eyes, a nasty burn scar around his left eye. His horns jutted out and curved toward eachother, his wings having a blueish tint.

"Are you okay miss?" The young boy scooted closer, lacking a thing called personal space since his nose was almost touching yours.

"I-I Uh.." You were still dumbfounded by the fact of the horns, tails, and wings.

"Luffy." The freckled one growled grabbing Luffy's horns and pulling him back.

"Ow! Ace, don't pull my horns." He snapped slapped Ace's hand away.

"Luffy? Ace?" You frowned looking between them, you glanced at the blonde one. "your name isn't Sabo is it?" You paled when he slowly nodded. "b-but how? You guys are supposed to be dragons."

"Well, we are dragons (y/n)-san, but all dragons also have the ability to turn human." Sabo leaned back against the stall wall.

"Then why didn't you turn before." The four dragons looked at each other and shrugged.

"No one's done it for a long time." Sabo scratched the back of his horns.

"Alright, what's your name?" She looked to the only dragon/human she did not know.


"That's Trao!!" Luffy jumped in, grinning widely until Trao knocked him in the back of his head.

"My name is Trafalgar Law." He huffed puffing smoke out of his nose, a small giggle escaped your lips.

"That's too long, I like Trao." You giggled again when you saw his gold eye twitch.

"Yo! (Y/n)!! Where you at!?" A familiar voice rumbled.

"Franky? Can you guys wait here for a bit?" When you got a nod you slowly got to your feet walking out of the stall while dusting off your close. "I'm coming Franky!" You shouted walking out of the barn to see the tall man adjusting the glasses up onto his forehead.

"That's a such a Super! Hairstyle." He chuckled, you huffed running your fingers through your hair feeling straw from it. "Anyway, I came here because Robin told me she found a hole in the birdcage, Just wanted to let you know I was here before I walked out to the pastures." You gave a nod and a small smile.

"Thanks frank!" You watched the blue haired man jump the fence, sighing you were about to leave when you turned and bumped into a large, solid chest.  

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