Hi. I am monia Mire I am 17
Tall mix black hair with red lightning stripe down the middle and a black heart on my collar bone. Its not a tattoo its my birthmark.
These are most features of me. I live with my mom and 2 twin brothers John and Johnathan. Love them to death but they drive me insane like uggghhhh!!!Like me my brothers have powers to both annoying though similar but different in ways.
John can teleport and Johnathan can walk through walls.
See what I mean similar but different.You know about my brothers let me tell you about my ohhhh so wonderful parents. Okay so I told you about my dad being a villain mom super hero. I remember the story of when they first met dad was robbing a plantonium vault (rare mineral)when mom smashed through to stop him while fighting I guess they made a connection. He stopped doing extreme crimes and not even a few months later they fell in love an married having the official last name Mire. Couple years after and I was born followed by my brothers 1 year later 'oh how time fly's. Now let me get into detail as I grew up my parents realized one thing there still too different dad grew tired of being good following the law so they split and he went back to being the great and evil Vallium and so she had to turn back into RayMire to stop him unfortunately the one thing the reason why they got together in the first place they're evenly matched while yes evil is evil and good is good and light is bright and darkness is you know the were still evenly matched neither one's stronger than the other there was no tiebreaker until I came along.
Why do I say until I came along because I was the only child out of me and my two brothers who was born with both the power of light and dark a mixture if you will.
Now what I mean by that is my dad's power was the ability to control shadows and darkness anything around him he could bend dusk turn day to night basically make the sun disappear among other elements only certain elements he couldn't control they were only three he couldn't control which were of the sun in a way Earth fire water.No matter what he can't mess with those elements he's tried too many times at this point it's kind of embarrassing but continuing on.
Now every element dad couldn't mess with mom had no problem and was even stronger. So now you see why I said there was no tie breaker and I have to deal with the fact that they both want me. Good or Evil dark or light I don't know if I have both but I don't want to choose basically like a contest of who I love more.Right now I just want to live my life and find my own path. I don't want to be a hero but I don't want to be a villain either. I'll know what I want when I feel it for now I just want to have fun be a teenager and live my life to the fullest. Meaning don't concern myself with anything having to do with hero or villianism just go to parties study get into my favorite college LAU an go from there.
Thing about my family is they're just pressing as my mom and my dad it's not like have half good half evil with the whole family thing it's just some of them chose good some of them like to be evil. There hasn't been anybody in the generation of us that is more powerful than both in over 30 yrs. I am the only one in my blood line. It makes me feel like an outcast and a freak. I shouldn't cuz it's my family but why was I the one chosen to have the most power what's so special about me.
I remember when Mom told me that she knew I was going to be the strongest she said apparently every hundred years a stronger one is born. how you know because they have the Stripe all of our ancestors had the Stripe. it's not a regular stripe it's a lightning strike usually the color of whatever the power that you have or will form over time.
And right when I came out and mom held me in the frame of my hair was a red lightning strike. Dad said the same thing with the mark That's in his family is a black heart usually on the chest neck or collarbone for some strange reason. At at first it was small not even a glance you wouldn't have been able to seen it. It wasn't noticeable until I turned 11. From then on you can see it easily no denying it they both knew. I was going to be the strongest between both the one who makes the choice.

The Life Of Monia
RandomHi i am monia typical teenager well except my mom is a hero an my biological dad is a villian ahhh life what Would i do without you