( Hunter puts his hands on your waist and helps you out of the car. Then he gets out. He shuts the car door and you both way bye to christine. Christine drives off. Hunter looks into your eyes giving you a warm glow. He grabs your hand and you start walking down the sidewalk towards the main entrance.
* someone whistles *
( you turn around and see a few boys with their jaws dropped , they start to mummur. )
The boys - I don't think I ever saw that girl around!
- me either!
- but that girl is fine as hell!
- I wonder where hunter saw her!( you began to feel uncomfortable so you speed up your pace. Hunter notices and speeds up his pace as well. You get to the main entrance and take a right. Right into the gym. There's a teacher there to make sure our outfits aren't violating dress code. )
Hunter : looks like we're here!
Y/n : yup!( you and hunter walk into the projector lights. Some boys glance at you. And can't keep their eyes off you. )
Y/n : hunter can we go find Mae?
Hunter : of course!( Mae , Britt , Cam , Brandon , Blake , and Jacob are all waving to you and hunter. You get to the table where they're at and sit down. Then a group of girls come over. )
Girl : hunter can I please have this dance with you?
Hunter : sure and y/n issss( the girls grab him and pull him to the center of the dance floor. )
Y/n : looks like my dance partner got taken 😂
Mae : lol , I don't like those girls they're extremely clingy to every boy the see.
Britt : same ..( a few more girls come over and ask if blake and brandon can dance with them. )
Blake : sorry girls , I'm going to stay and dance with my girl!
Brandon : yeah I guess why not? I will .( Brandon leaves and heads out to the center of the dance floor , near hunter dancing with the group of girls. )
* 45 mins later *
( hunter is still dancing with those girls. Mae , Blake , Britt , and Jacob are out on the dance floor. Its just you and cam sitting next to each other. A slow song comes on and you were about to get up and go over and try to dance with hunter , but you see his arms wrapped around another girls waist. You sit back down with a jealousy look on your face. )
Cam : the most gorgeous girl shouldn't be sitting down during a slow song!
( cam puts one of his hands out , you grab it and he helps you up. You both walk to the center of the room where the dance floor is. You then look up at cam and put your arms around his neck And he puts his arms wrapped around your waist and you both dance. You then rest your head on his shoulder and sway back and fourth. )
Cam : you're such an amazing dancer!
Y/n : thank you! 😁 if you honestly saw how I really danced you wouldn't be saying that😂
( you lift your head and you and cam began to laugh. Hunter looks around the room and sees you giggling with cam while dancing. He's filled with jealousy. )Hunter : um I have to go!
Girl : can we finish this dance its almost over!( hunter was about to leave but that girl pulled him back. You continue to have your conversation with cam. The songs over and you feel a tap on your shoulder , you turn around and see Mario. You hug him real tight. )
Mario : y/n! You look amazing!
Y/n : thanks mario , so do you!
Mario : may I have this dance with you tonight?
Y/n : yes of course but hold on!
( you turn back to cam )
Y/n : cam thank you so much for dancing with me! You don't know how much that means to me!
Cam : anytime gorgeous!
* you blush *( you then reach on your tiptoes and kiss cam on the cheek. His cheeks turn into a peachy color. His smile got bigger and you smile back. Hunter sees ... )
I feel really lazy to do chapters today 😩