New Character: Hatsuharu "Haru" Sohma

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  The catch up!!!! Enjoy Haru!!!!

Meeting for the first time:
You were chilling with Momji when a dude comes over to us and momji smiles. The guy had thats walked over to us, he had mainly white hair with black roots, his eyes were a greyish-brown and he looked about 5'6". As you continue to look at the guy, your phone began to ring. So you answer it and then left in a hurry.

Meeting Again:
You were chilling under a tree sketching the view until someone walks up to you smiling. You look at see the guy with mainly white hair with black roots. You smile at him and then continued to sketch.

​​​​"Hey" he says smiling.

"Hey" you say smiling.

You kept sketching and then he sat down beside you.

"I'm (Y/N). Btw" you say as you kept drawing.

"Hatsuharu." he says making you smirk as you kept drawing.

When he gets Jealous/Hanging out:
You were chilling at the same tree except you weren't drawing, this time you were writing. You decided to write a poem for one of your art works. As you kept writing, Haru walked up to you with Momji. They both sit in front of you and you look at them and smile. You and momji begin to talk and Momji is holding your hands as he talks with excitement. Haru was beginning to glare at Momji as you two talked about everything and anything. Haru then grabbed you and pulled you away from your friend. You look Haru confused and then you realized he was jealous.

Nicknames you have for him:
You call him Haru or Panda because well you shortened his name for fun and you call him Panda because his hair reminds you of pandas.

His Nicknames for you:
He usually calls you kid or Rebel because he loves sometimes you can be rebellious but he also loves calling you kid because your so cute.

When he asks you out/First Kiss:
You were hanging out at school chatting with some of the girls in your class when Haru walked up to you. You smile at Haru as the girls left to talk to the boys. Haru sat down in beside you and smiled back. He then handed you a note and you open it. When you read it, it said 'Will you go out with me?'. You look at Haru and nod a yes. You then kiss him on the lips making you two have your guys first kiss.

When you are on your period:
You were on that time of the month and didn't want to be bothered by anyone. You were chilling at home in your room when Haru began to call. You answer and then hang up. Haru texted you instead, so you texted him back that you will talk later. And he left you alone for now.

First Date:
You were smiling as you were at your favorite pizza place with Haru. You guys ordered a seafood pizza and began to chat while you wait. As soon as the pizza was ready and brought to the both of you. You guys began to eat the pizza and continue to chat. You couldn't be anymore happier of your first date with your new boyfriend.

Finding Out about the curse:
You were hanging out with Haru and Momji at Hatori's place. You guys then heard the door open and close. You then see tohru walk in. Momji quickly ran over to Tohru and hugged her making a poof of smoke appear. After the smoke was gone, you say little rabbit in Tohru's arms. You look confused and then the group explained everything after Hatori walked into the room scowling Momji.

First Sleepover:
You were hanging out with Tohru and her friends chatting about random things when Tohru came up with an idea. You all were going to have a sleep over. You were super excited since it was your first after all. You guys talked, watched movies and ate popcorn. You all then fell asleep, dreaming random things. You actually enjoy your first sleepover.

Akito Sohma:
You were at home drawing when there was a knock on your door. You go and answer it to find a guy with Black hair wearing a black sweater. He began to scream at you and you were confused to why. But then he threw a flower pot at you and then left. You were scared, confused and sad. You couldn't believe it. You quickly run back to your room and call your mom. But your mom didn't answer. You sigh and then go to sleep still scared of what happened.  

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