(Training Amadeus) -Learning Respect-

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Another plate of food gets thrown into her face. The plate slowly falls down her face, showing a clearly irritated Jae. She takes in a deep breath, trying to calm down her nerves. Remember Jae, he has a gun, he has a gun. She tries to put back on a smile for the 'pet'.

"That's not nice, ya know."

"Che." He folds his hands behind his head and glares at her with one eye open. She knew what he wanted, after five days that look always means, 'Make it again'.

It's been five days! There has been no change in his respect towards her, and frankly, she's getting sick of it! Jimin rubs her temple, trying to think of ways to gain respect from him. It would be easier with a dog because she can over power them, but this is a full grown man. She then looks back up at Amadeus and sees him sleeping, her eyes then land on his gun. At that moment an idea came to her head as she remember's one line from the 'All From Heaven: Amadeus Owner's Guide'.

Even though he may not look like it, the Amadeus breed can get very lonely. If you aren't around to watch it make sure there's at least something there to keep this breed company!

Jae tries to hide the smile on her face. She then walks to the kitchen and makes Amadeus' food again, now determined to get his respect.


"Amadeus, Amadeus." The man opens his eyes, glaring as Jae was in front of him with a smile. She then points to the door that leads to her backyard.

"I was thinking that since you've been in the house so long you might want to each outside." Amadeus narrows his eyes at her before looking out to the door. He smells food outside, and something that actually smells descent. The male stands from the couch and starts to walk to the backyard. He opens the door and heads towards the table that was settled outside. But a snarl forms on his face as he sees that the lunch he's suppose to have was thrown in a garbage bag. Amadeus growls and reaches into his back pocket for his gun, but was only met with the fabric of his pants. His eyes widen, and anger starts to boil within him. She lied to him about his food, and took his weapon. Amadeus' eyes fills with the look of a manic as he stomps towards the door and goes to rip it open. But, he then realizes that it wouldn't open.


His animal crazed eyes look up to the second floor window to see Jae leaning out of it while also holding his gun. She gives him a look of indifference as Amadeus continues to growl at her.

"You act like you're the king of this house. But, you forgot you live under my roof. And if you want me to cook and care for you than I better get some respect." She then leans back into her room and slams down her window. That should teach him. She isn't worried about him coming into the house because she bound the windows with wooden boards.

Jae almost jumps as she hears from down stairs the sound of windows breaking and wood cracking. She takes in a deep breath and rubs her face with her hand.

Looks like she'll have to make another run to Lowe's.

It took a while before Amadeus finally gave up after crushing a large part of her house. Jae was just thankful the 'pet' wasn't able to get in. Jae looks up to the clock and realizes that it's been two hours since she locked him out. She stood up from her chair and headed to the window to peak outside to check if he was sitting out there. For all she knows he could have given up but doesn't want to hurt his pride. Jae opens the window and peeks her head out, her mouth drops as she sees no one outside.

H-He couldn't have ran away? ! Jae dropped back into her room and shit the window. Okay, just calm down. He'll come back some time, right?

Jae looked at the clock in her room, it was already eleven pm and still no sign of Amadeus. She took in a breath and settled herself back in her bed. This plan will work! She knows he'll have to come back some time.


There was the loud thumping at her door. Jae lets out a moan and rolls over in her bed.

"Just a few more minutes . . ."

"SCUM!" Jae topples over her bed at the loud voice. She panics on the floor for a bit 'till she just realizes who was at her door. Amadeus? ! She checks her clock and her eyes widen, it was three in the morning! Jae quickly went to get her robe. Just how long was he outside?


Now she heard the sound of something breaking, it was close to the sound of wood shattering.

Her eyes widen even more, no way, he couldn't have.

She sprinted down the stairs and headed to her door to see what kind of damage Amadeus did. Jae stops at the entrance of her house, and stares at the huge hole made by him. Actually the hole was practically big enough that she was staring at him. Jae runs up to the door and opens it to scold Amadeus.

"Why did you-!" Her sentence stops as she stares at his hands, they were all bloody and had splinters all over them. Jae looks up to him and begins to pull the man back into her house. "What is wrong with you, you could have just knocked and I would have came."

Just as she finishes what she was saying, Amadeus pulls away from her, letting out a growl he walks over to his usual couch and settles himself down. Jae looks at him up and down, she then walks to him and kneels in front of the 'pet' while giving him a dead serious stare.

"You're stronger, you have more power. But I'm the owner." His glare at her hardens as he lets out a growl at that, obviously not liking the way this conversation is going. "So you got to realize I'm in control."

He snapped at that final statement. Amadeus jumps forward and pins Jae to the ground, holding her down by grabbing onto her neck. She gasps at the sudden lose of breath and the pressure being put onto her body. Jae puts one of her hands on his trying to stop the maniac from killing her, and uses the other to flick him on the nose again. Amadeus flinches back a bit and brings one of his own hands to his face, Jae takes in a gasp of breath and says those same words again.


Amadeus snarls again and keeps on putting pressure to her neck. Jae gasps and uses her free hand to reach behind her back, his eyes then widen as he sees his gun being held in her hands. He reaches forward to grab it, but Jae uses this opportunity to turn around and hide the gun around her body. Now Amadeus was beyond ticked off and stood up, he was going to kick the girl but she raised her hand to stop him.

"I know we just met now and that it'll be hard to accept me. But, at least try not to smack me around like some servant." She finally looks up at him, he still had the same glowering look on his face. Jae sighs and turns around fully look at him, she then takes his hands and puts the gun back in them. "For me, I've trained every type of pet because I want them to live a good life with their owners. But it's not like a servant and master relationship." Jae then fully looks up to him now with a bright smile. "The definition of pet is a domesticated animal kept for companionship or pleasure and treated with care and affection. I want to train you to be that pet that will bring happiness into another person's life." Amadeus still kept a careful eye on her. He then just turned his head to the side and clicked his tongue before settling himself back onto the couch and putting the gun back in his pocket.

Jae looks up to him to see his reaction. The male kept his hands folded and eyes closed. Another smile then comes on her face. He's actually accepted her terms. Jae knelt down in front of him again and took his hand. Amadeus quirks an eyebrow at her, confused by her actions.

Jae just lets out a laugh. "Let's get your hands fixed."


I realized I didn't make an author's note for chapter one o_o

I'm glad a lot of people like this! It will probably go quick because the chapters to these stories will be short. The first chapter was just long because it was the introduction.

Again, glad people like this and thanks to you who reviewed! :D

Keep it coming! ^^

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