Evangeline Salvatore is a seventeen year old immortal witch who doesn't mind being a manipulative, spoilt bitch. In fact she loves it. And who needs friends? Especially when everyone she knows is a annoying, insignificant hoe.
Her great great great...
Evangeline's POV I wasn't going to go to school today but cheerleading practise and I need to go. So I'm just going to go for second best and be late, besides i hear history for my first lesson and I'm not in a hurry to get there.
I walked straight into history. "You're late miss Salvatore. Sit down." Mr tanner said and I rolled my eyes at him stating the obvious.
I almost committed when I saw elena and stefan flirting. Ew stop.
I smirked when mr tanner asked Elena a question but she was too caught up in bad flirting to hear. "Miss Gilbert?" Mr tanner repeated and Elena hummed a what. "Pearl Harbor?" He asked. "Um..." She doesn't know.
"December 7, 1941." Stefan answered for her. "Thank you, Miss Gilbert." Mr tanner sarcastically said. "Anytime." Stefan said trying to be funny. My god.
"Very well. The fall of the Berlin wall." Mr tanner asked. "1989. I'm good with dates, sir." Stefan told him. "Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act." Here we go.
"1964." "John F. Kennedy assassination." "1963." "Martin Luther King." "68." "Lincoln." "What is the point in this!?" I shouted but they didn't stop.
"1865." "Roe vs. Wade." "1973." "Brown vs. Board." "1954." "The battle of Gettysburg." I got bored and went on my phone.
"Ha!" Mr tanner shouted making me jump. "It ended in '52."
"Uh, actually, sir, it was '53." Stefan said smirking a little. "Look it up, somebody. Quickly." Mr tanner ordered. "It was 19...53." Someone said and I smirked.
Me and Bonnie were stretching before cheering. Caroline still hasn't shown up her though. Well she is either dead or Damon hasn't finished with her.
"Oh, my God! You're here!" Bonnie shouted. I turned around expecting to see Caroline but no it was Elena. How exciting.
"Yep. I can't be sad girl forever. The only way to get things back to the way they were are to do things that were. Oh, and you're coming to dinner tonight." Elena said feeling sorry for herself and mocked pouted.
"I am?" Bonnie asked. "Mm-hmm. You, me and Stefan. You have to give him a chance." Elena said. "Tonight's no good. Have you seen Caroline? I texted her like a hundred times." Bonnie said changing the subject.
"Don't change the subject, Bonnie Bennett! You're going to be there." Elena shouted. "Fine. I'll go." Elena went to say something but bonnie stopped her. "If evangeline does. I need to give stefan a chance and use two need to sort things out." Bonnies said.
"Sorry I'm busy doing something that doesn't involve me having to talk to Elena." I said smiling sweetly at elena. Bonnie smiled at elena. "Actually I'm coming." I changed my mind I was either having dinner with Bonnies and stefan who I can tolerate and elena who I can ignore. Or alone with Zach. I'll take my chance with Elena.
"Great!" Elena said. "It's not though." I said to Elena.
Elena and Bonnies were wondering were Caroline was. When all a sudden a he pulled up with Damon. Caroline kissed him.
"Oh, my God. That must be the mystery guy from the grill." Bonnie said. "That's not a mystery guy. That's Damon Salvatore." Elena said crossing her arms. "Salvatore, as in Evangeline and stefan!?" Bonnie said looking at me. "Hey angel!" Damon shouted to me and I ignored him rolling my eyes.
"I got the other brother. Hope you don't mind. Sorry I'm late, girls. I, uh, was busy. All right, let's start with the double pike herkey hurdler, what do you say? And 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Elena, sweetie, why don't you just observe today? Ok? Keep going! Ok. Do it again from the top. And 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8." Caroline said and smirked at elena and done the routine.
I walk in the house. My hair was wet because I showered at school since I can't stand being sweaty. It's disgusting. Damon is sat in stefan's bedroom reading stefan's diary. I decide to join him.
"He is so depressing isn't he. With all the emotions and crap. I like it when he had no humanity. That's the interesting part." I said to Damon. "He's always been emotion my little brother. How was cheering, Angel." He asked.
"Sweaty. How was Caroline, Damien?" "Delicious." He answered.
Then stefan walked in and looked at us both.
"How were tryouts? Did you make the team? Very Emerson, the way you reveal your soul with so many...adjectives." Damon says. "You can have my therapists number if you want." I say to him. Stefan rips the diary out of Damon's hand. I guess he is a privacy person.
"What are you doing here?" Stefan asks "I've come to apologize. I've been doing some thinking, some soul searching, and...I want us to start over. We need to put the past behind us. You're my little brother, and if you want to live a normal, happy human life, then I want that for you. Maybe I can do it, too. That I can learn to be a non-living living person. Maybe there's hope for both of us." Damon says failing to keep a straight face through the speech.
"You know, it doesn't have to be this way, Damon." Stefan's says and I groan and roll my eyes. "Of course it doesn't. I saw Elena today, BTW. That means "by the way." She was at cheerleading practice. She looked so perky in her little short shorts." Damon says winding stefan up. "Elena has no ass." I say. "Neither do you." Damon says and I glare at him. Stefan glares at us both.
"Just...simmer down, I didn't even go near her. I've got my own cheerleader now. Ooh, that reminds me...I gotta run. I have a date. Sweaty palms. Wish me luck." Damon says and leaves.
"What are you doing here?" Stefan asks me. "I'm coming to dinner tonight." I say and walk out.
I decided to go shopping I haven't been in awhile and I think I deserve it. I go shopping when I am really stressed and right now I am. I'm going alone. I could invite Caroline but she would just annoy me and then I would snap at her and she would cry and that would annoy me more. So I'm going alone. Plus I want to be late for elena's little dinner.
I walk into the shop and treat myself to some new pumps.
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