Chapter 2 : Meeting A Rat & Befriending a Captain

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The harsh winds finally stopped as Samantha, Sarah and I landed with a thud on a deck of an enormous ship that was sailing on the ocean. Where are we? Samantha asked, I don't know replied Sarah. They both turned around looking at me with the same question in their eyes, suddenly I exactly knew the name of the ship that all three of us had landed on. Guys, I said with a shaky tone to my voice we are on not just any ordinary ship, we are on the Susan Constant.

Suddenly a cabin door opened with a loud bang and out of the cabin came a huge man dressed in a purple suit and hat with a red cape, two bright red ribbons attached to his black hair and a snobbish little pug whose name tag read "Percy" that stood right beside him everywhere he went. Oh no!!! we all yelled together we better hide before that man sees us and thinks that we are stowaway's or something Sarah said in a panic.

So we all hid behind the nearest wooden barrel and tried not to make a single sound or noise, suddenly I felt my heart beat faster by the minute as the man approached our hiding place, I tried not to scream as his large shadow got closer and closer to us, but it was too late, I screamed out of panic and the large man heard my scream, he saw both me and my friends. What are you little brats doing on my ship? Ratcliffe asked in a booming voice, we are not little brats and by the way we landed here somehow from out of nowhere Alana replied in a sharp tone.

What are your names you little stowaway's? What are you doing you trespassers? Both Sarah and Samantha were flaming mad at what Ratcliffe had said to us but I held them back, Ratcliffe I said, we are not stowaway's nor are we little brats we are human unlike you a filthy loud mouth sewer rat!!! I spat at him. Ratcliffe's face turned a bright shade of red and he raised his hand while saying "I've heard enough out of you little girl" and suddenly I felt his large hand slap me right across my cheek causing it to turn red. He raised his hand again once more to strike me I closed my eyes waiting for the sting of his hand to land across my cheek but this time I didn't feel anything.

When I looked up, I was surprised to see a young man preventing Ratcliffe's hand from hitting me. The man was tall and very handsome, with blonde hair and beautiful sky blue eyes. The mysterious blonde then told Ratcliffe to leave the ship's deck and that he would handle the rest. When the young man noticed Samantha, Sarah, and I peeking out from behind the large barrel, he gently asked us to come out of the shadows and assured us that he would not harm us.

What are your given names? the blonde inquired Samantha and Sarah introduced themselves to the Captain, but I never mentioned my name. Will you introduce yourself to Captain Julianne Rachel Everly? I slowly emerged from the shadows to introduce myself to the Captain, they both said to me. "How are you doing?" I asked, and John Smith's blue eyes twinkled. "I'm fine, thank you, and how about you?" "I'm fine as well." I hadn't noticed a lovely mermaid detail on the ship until now. "What do you think about that?" he inquired. "I really like it," I said.

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